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I am using the following to check that the user is logged on before he/she views pages on my site can I adapt what is here so that only some pages can be viewed by admin only?


include("../php/dbconnect.php"); //connects to the database

	//session code

	//Check if user is authenticated
	//User not logged in, redirect to login page
    	header( "Location: http://webdev/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/" );

    	//User is logged in, contiue (use session vars to diplay username/email)
    	//echo "'Welcome, {$_SESSION['username']}. You are still logged in. <br />'";
   	// echo "'Your email address is: {$_SESSION['email']}.'";

	}//end of session code

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You would nest another IF condition within your code for successful login.  Either compare the $_SESSION['username'] to a hard set value or to a result set takin from a database table of admin users.


You could include an ELSEIF to your login contitions, but that would only effect the page that you are on.  You would be best to hold the admin level check in another file altogether and call it into the script with an INCLUDE_ONCE(filename) on each page that you want to restrict access to.


so for example, put the following line after your


include_once (admin_check.inc);

then make a new file in the same directory as your current script page and save it as admin_check.inc

finaly put the following code into the admin_check.inc file

$name_check = $_SESSION['username'];
if ($name_check == 'admin'){
   echo 'You are logged in as an administrator';
   echo 'You are logged in as a user';
catch (Exeption $error){
die('Authentication level check failed with the following : '.$error->getMessage());


don't forget to save it again once the code is in and try it out.  This code is untested and assumes that the administrator's username is 'admin'.

I can't get it to work?


I am gettingt the following errors:


Notice: Use of undefined constant admin_check - assumed 'admin_check' in /content_ro/webdev/htdocs/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/Admin Pages/registration.php on line 38


Notice: Use of undefined constant inc - assumed 'inc' in /content_ro/webdev/htdocs/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/Admin Pages/registration.php on line 38


Warning: include_once(admin_checkinc) [function.include-once.html]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /content_ro/webdev/htdocs/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/Admin Pages/registration.php on line 38


Warning: include_once() [function.include.html]: Failed opening 'admin_checkinc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/content_ro/webdev/htdocs/services/hr/includes:/usr/local/php/lib/php:/content/consultants/htdocs/xertetoolkits') in /content_ro/webdev/htdocs/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/Admin Pages/registration.php on line 38

I can't get it to work?


I am gettingt the following errors:


Notice: Use of undefined constant admin_check - assumed 'admin_check' in /content_ro/webdev/htdocs/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/Admin Pages/registration.php on line 38


Notice: Use of undefined constant inc - assumed 'inc' in /content_ro/webdev/htdocs/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/Admin Pages/registration.php on line 38


Warning: include_once(admin_checkinc) [function.include-once.html]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /content_ro/webdev/htdocs/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/Admin Pages/registration.php on line 38


Warning: include_once() [function.include.html]: Failed opening 'admin_checkinc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/content_ro/webdev/htdocs/services/hr/includes:/usr/local/php/lib/php:/content/consultants/htdocs/xertetoolkits') in /content_ro/webdev/htdocs/schools/hhs/psy_bookings/Admin Pages/registration.php on line 38

it's not picking up the file name properly because I gave you the wrong code.  change the include statement to this:

include_once 'admin_check.inc';


Sorry about that, It's been a while since I used an include statement like that - I should have checked it before I posted it.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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