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do this only if(not as simple as it sounds)


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the current way i display a page on my site is like this


i have the php file which takes the contents onf a html file and replaces kets in curly braces with variables


the php file

$template->replace(array('SITE_NAME' => $site_name),'header_file');


the html file



everything runs smoothly until i come to an if statement.

I want to display the word login only if no user is logged in. If they are then display their username.(just an example)


one way to overcome this is:


the php

        $user_name = $user->user_name_nl;
        $user_avatar = $user->avatar;
        $user_group = $user->group;
        $user_name = 'Login';
        $user_avatar = '';
        $user_group = '';
$template->replace(array('USERNAME' => $user_name, 'AVATAR' => $user_avatar, 'GROUP' => $group),'header_file');


the problem is that the username opens a menu once clicked and if i just did this then if they werent logged in it would display login but it would also open the same menu and all the keys would have to be replaced with ''.


now obv i cant include if statements in a html file so does anyone have any ideas or advice? i know phpbb includes the if statements in the html file between comment tags and somehow the same file appears in the cache folder as a php file with the comments stripped so the php code becomes active. but ive looked at how they do it and it just confuses me.



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To get the functionality your require you are likely going to need to implement if statements within your template parser. this is why template engines are so inefficient. Your basically creating a mini programming language.


Can I ask you why you think using something like.....


<div class="foo">{FOO}</div>


Is a better option than using something like.....


<div class="foo"><?=$foo?></div>




The second option is far more flexible & efficient because it uses native PHP. Either way a designer is going to need to learn some new syntax, you may as well have them learn some basic PHP which is (by the way) also already well documented.


If you think using a template engine separates code from markup you misunderstand the concept.

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Then you need to make sure its defined.


An easy way to do this if you where using an mvc approach, or even just a simple bit of OOP would be to store all your variables within an object (View), this way you can easily make sure to return something.



class View
    private $_data = array();

    public function __set($name, $value)
        $this->_data[$name] = $value;

    public function __get($name)
        if (isset($this->_data[$name])) {
            return $this->_data[$name];
        return NULL;

    public function render($template)
        include $template;
        echo ob_get_clean();


Now, lets say you have the a template: example.php

    <title><?php echo $this->title; ?></title>
    <p><?php echo $this->foo; ?></p>


Even if the variable 'foo' isn't defined you wont get any error because it will just return NULL.



$v = new View;
$v->title = 'this is an example';


Of course this idea can be extended quite a bit but it's a start.

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thanks for the tips. but say i have a tpl file which has about 30 or so <?php echo $this->xxxx; ?>


in the php file i would be doing:


$v->xxxx = 'x';
$v->x = 'xxxx';


and so on for as many i need to define. is there a faster or better way?

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thanks for the tips. but say i have a tpl file which has about 30 or so <?php echo $this->xxxx; ?>


in the php file i would be doing:


$v->xxxx = 'x';
$v->x = 'xxxx';


and so on for as many i need to define. is there a faster or better way?


If there in an array or something you could quickly populate the object using a method like.....


public function setValues(array $values)
    $this->_data = array_merge($values, $this->_data);

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also when i use:


<p id="name">    
     <?php echo $this->board_name; ?>


i get the error:


Fatal error:  Using $this when not in object context


Are you using the render() method like in my example? Can we see your code?

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This is what I used to use, works very well and very fast but you will need to have a play with it as it was a long time since it was used so it might be slightly outdated now.


class template {

	private $tags = array();

	function __construct() {


	function newTemplate($tags, $templateName) {

		if(empty($templateName)) {
			$templateName = 'index';

define('_TEMPLATE_', 1);

		$error = '<style>
		.error {

		.errortext {
			font-style: normal;
			font-family: monospace;
		<div class="error"><span class="errortext"><center>Sorry for inconvenience but our system has located an error due to this the site is now shutdown.</center></span></div>';

		if(!defined('_TEMPLATE_') OR !is_array($tags) OR !is_dir('./templates/' . _TEMPLATE_) OR !file_exists('./templates/' . _TEMPLATE_ . '/' . $templateName . '.html') OR !is_file('./templates/' . _TEMPLATE_ . '/' . $templateName . '.html') OR !is_readable('./templates/' . _TEMPLATE_ . '/' . $templateName . '.html')) {

		$tags['SITE_NAME'] = 'The Site Name';

			$keys = array_keys($tags);
			$del = array();
			$tagcheck = array();
			$tagz = array();
			$file = file_get_contents('./templates/' . _TEMPLATE_ . '/' . $templateName . '.html');

			if(!$file OR !is_array($tagcheck)) {
			} else {

				if(preg_match_all("/\{([A-Z]*)\}/", $file, $match)) {

					foreach($match[1] as $k => $v){
						$tagcheck[$v] = $v;

					foreach($tags as $t => $g) {
						$tagz[] = $t;
						if(is_int($t)) {

					foreach($tagcheck as $item => $itemvalue) {
						if(!in_array($item, $tagz, true)) {
							$del[] = '/{' . $item . '}/';

					foreach($keys as $key => $value) {
						$final[$key] = '{' . $value . '}';

					$file = preg_replace($del, '', $file);

					exit(str_replace($final, $tags, $file));
				} else {



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hi sorry for the late reply, been at work. here is the code i am using:



<p id="name">    
      <?php echo $this->board_name; ?>



class template
    var $root = '';
    var $template;
    var $template_root;

    private $_data = array();
    public function __set($name, $value)
        $this->_data[$name] = $value;

    public function __get($name)
        if (isset($this->_data[$name])) {
            return $value;
        return NULL;
public function set_template($template='default')
        global $config;
        $this->template_root = $config['asf_root'].'templates/';
        $this->template = $this->template_root.$template.'/';
    public function replace($array, $file) 
        $file = './html/'.$file.'.html';
        $file = file_get_contents($this->template.$file);
            foreach ($array as $key => $val) 
            $file = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $val, $file);
            echo $file;
            echo 'File '.$file.' doesn\'t exist';

    public function render($template)
        include $template;
        echo ob_get_clean();



function page_header($page_title)
    global $date_time, $template, $settings, $lang, $config, $user;
    $css_link = $template->template.'main.css';
    $board_logo = '<img src="'.$template->template.'images/'.$settings['board_logo'].'" alt="'.$settings['board_name'].'" />';

    $offset = $date_time->getOffset();
    $curr_time = $date_time->getTimestamp();
    $time = $curr_time - $offset;
    $template->board_name = $settings['board_name'];






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ill clean it up a bit:


header.php(the tpl file)

[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]
<p id="name">    
<?php echo $this->board_name; ?>



class template
    var $root = '';
    var $template;
    var $template_root;

    private $_data = array();
    public function __set($name, $value)
        $this->_data[$name] = $value;

    public function __get($name)
        if (isset($this->_data[$name])) {
            return $value;
        return NULL;
public function render($template)
        echo ob_get_clean();
function page_header($page_title)
        global $settings; // settings.php
        $this->board_name = $settings['board_name'];




$template->page_header('Board Index');


any clearer?

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ive checked and done tests and header.php isnt being included other than the render function.


the test was i got rid of:



the function page_header calls the render function:

public function render($template)
        echo ob_get_clean();
    public function page_header($page_title)
        global $date_time, $settings, $lang, $config, $user;
        $css_link = $this->template.'main.css';
        $board_logo = '<img src="'.$this->template.'images/'.$settings['board_logo'].'" alt="'.$settings['board_name'].'" />';

        $offset = $date_time->getOffset();
        $curr_time = $date_time->getTimestamp();
        $time = $curr_time - $offset;
        $this->board_name = 'boobs';
        echo 'template = '.$this->template.'html/header.php';


i dont know why this is happening either as i have gotten your example to work on a test folder.

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ive worked out when it is throwing the error. on my test script(by your example) everything worked fine. and this is the dir tree:


index.php = calls the page_header function from class_view while calls the render function
init.php = starts the view class
class_view.php = the view class
tpl_index.php = the html for index.php


but when i split up the files into different dirs:



i get the error:

Fatal error:  Using $this when not in object context in C:\wamp\www\test\templates\default\tpl_index.php on line 68


no idea why though.

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found the reason. i am including a config.php file which holds:


$config['asf_root'] = http://localhost/asf/';


and in the template.php file i have:

public function set_template($template='default')
        global $config;
        $this->template_root = $config['asf_root'].'templates/';
        $this->template = $this->template_root.$template.'/';


when i echo $config['asf_root'] it appears fine, but obv isnt working so i used the relative path and it worked in the test script. but in my main script the error has gone but it displays nothing.

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removed everything down to the basic and i am getting undefined variable value



public function __get($name)
        if (isset($this->_data[$name])) {
            return $value; // error thrown here
        return NULL;



replace it with:


public function __get($name)
        if (isset($this->_data[$name])) {
            return $this->_data[$name];
        return NULL;


and it works fine

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