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I am getting the following error when performing insertion in mysql db


Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Editor's Choice * Secures against internal and external attacks * Bl' at line 1


This is my script, I cant figure out the prob, some time it insert record successfully and sometime not.




$con = mysql_connect("localhost","userName","PassWord");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("db_name", $con);

$sql = "INSERT INTO `ura_items` (`ProductName`, `CategoryID`, `ShortDesc`, `LongDesc`, `TrialURL`, `Boxshot`, `Screenshot`, `VendorID`, `VendorName`, `VendorHomepageURL`, `Add_Date`, `size`, `soft_type`, `current_ver`) VALUES(";
$sql .= "'$_POST[ProductName]', '$_POST[CategoryID]', '$_POST[shortDesc]', '$_POST[LongDesc]', '$_POST[TrialURL]', '$_POST[boxshot]', '$_POST[screenshot]', '$_POST[VendorID]', '$_POST[VendorName]', '$_POST[VendorHomepageURL]', now(), '$_POST[size]', '$_POST[soft_type]', '$_POST[current_ver]')";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "1 record added <br /> <br /> <a href=\"addproduct.php\">Back</a>";




Please help me

Actually you can use the ` symbol for the query Harristweed, I use them myself, allows for easier read-ability.


Now back on topic, instead of just using $_POST to insert data straight away, assign the $_POST values to variables then do some validation.

For example

  //Insert of...
  // Use the following
  $productName = mysql_real_escape_dtring($_POST['ProductName']);


Do that for each variable if you feel it may have data that needs to be escaped, then use the variables within the query instead of the $_POST data :)


Regards, PaulRyan.


done as you said above but now it show this error


Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ProductName', 'CategoryID', 'ShortDesc', 'LongDesc', 'TrialURL', 'Boxshot', 'Sc' at line 1


try removing the quotes from the table name "INSERT INTO ura_items ( Not "INSERT INTO `ura_items` ( and use straight quote on the field names  ('ProductName', Not(`ProductName`,


No, no, no. When enclosing field and table names, backticks are used. Single quotes are used on string type data values.

Those marks around the table name the field names are not quotes, they are backticks and are OK.


To the OP, you are using the values from your form directly in your query without sanitizing them at all. This is very dangerous. Always validate and sanitize user input.


Since your form field names are the same as your DB field names, I would use a foreach loop to create the query:

$qtmp = array();
foreach ($_POST as $f => $v) {
   if ($f != 'submit') {  // don't do this for the submit button
     if (strlen($v) != 0) {  // don't need to store empty values
        $qtmp[] = "$f = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'";
$qtmp[] = "add_date = NOW()";
// build query using the alternate insert syntax
$q = 'insert into `ura_items`set ' . implode(', ',$qtmp);
$rs = mysql_query($q) or die("Problem with the query: $q<br>" . mysql_error());


Note: not tested for syntax errors.



Replace your code

$sql = "INSERT INTO `ura_items` (`ProductName`, `CategoryID`, `ShortDesc`, `LongDesc`, `TrialURL`, `Boxshot`, `Screenshot`, `VendorID`, `VendorName`, `VendorHomepageURL`, `Add_Date`, `size`, `soft_type`, `current_ver`) VALUES(";
$sql .= "'$_POST[ProductName]', '$_POST[CategoryID]', '$_POST[shortDesc]', '$_POST[LongDesc]', '$_POST[TrialURL]', '$_POST[boxshot]', '$_POST[screenshot]', '$_POST[VendorID]', '$_POST[VendorName]', '$_POST[VendorHomepageURL]', now(), '$_POST[size]', '$_POST[soft_type]', '$_POST[current_ver]')";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

with my code.



Read my code again. I use mysql_real_escape_string on each value in the $_POST array.


     if (strlen($v) != 0) {  // don't need to store empty values
        $qtmp[] = "$f = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'";



My bad, I reliased you were quoting his code the mid section... apologies! :)



Replace your code

$sql = "INSERT INTO `ura_items` (`ProductName`, `CategoryID`, `ShortDesc`, `LongDesc`, `TrialURL`, `Boxshot`, `Screenshot`, `VendorID`, `VendorName`, `VendorHomepageURL`, `Add_Date`, `size`, `soft_type`, `current_ver`) VALUES(";
$sql .= "'$_POST[ProductName]', '$_POST[CategoryID]', '$_POST[shortDesc]', '$_POST[LongDesc]', '$_POST[TrialURL]', '$_POST[boxshot]', '$_POST[screenshot]', '$_POST[VendorID]', '$_POST[VendorName]', '$_POST[VendorHomepageURL]', now(), '$_POST[size]', '$_POST[soft_type]', '$_POST[current_ver]')";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

with my code.




Regards, PaulRyan.

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