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Gather Specific Data from tables


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Hi everyone,


My problem is, I have a Database with the tables called:




The Items table contains the standard values that apply to all items, like name, value, picture, etc.

The Items_stats table contains the specific customer stats for the individual items, and looks like this: id | item_id | stat | value


Here is my problem.

Since the "stat" and "value" values can be anything, how can I make it so that checks: if the "stat" value is called "age", display the "value" value?


I tried with the join syntax, but no luck.


Hope you can help me.




(MySQL v: 5.5.8 - PHP v: 5.3.3 - Apache v: 2.2.17)


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Thanks for the quick reply!


The problem is that the "items_stats" table, which looks like this: [id | items_id | stat | value], the "stat" and "value" can be anything i choose to put in it.


eg. some entries might look like this:


[id | items_id | stat | value]

1  | 1            | sex  | male

2  | 1            | age | 18

3  | 2            | zip  | 4000

4  | 2            | server | Dell



the Stat and the value can be anything, so if I need to show the items stats where I want them to be shown eg.:


        <td>'. $data['name'] .'</td>

<td>'. $data['sex'].'</td>

<td>'. $datas['zip'] .'</td>

<td>'. $data['server'] .'</td>


how can I do this? because when I do a normal JOIN syntax query it It just spews out the information in random order or like this:

sex, age, zip,server,male,18,4000,Dell

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whoa there....I think what you need to do is revisit your table structures.  You should have seporate columns for most of the things you have in stat.


Yea I was thinking this as well.. maybe add all rows to one table and take the information with a regular query? Or is this a bad idea?



Thank you all for your replies! I appreciate it!

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Sorry for the double post,


If i put all the items into one table, many of the items will have rows which they do not use, say I merge a "personal info" table and "cars" table, so the cars will have rows with "sex" "age" "zipcode" etc, and the personal info will have "Manufactura" "make" etc.


Will this be a problem? or should I just ignore this and assign a default value like 0?

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From your inital description I don't think merging into a single table will be the answer.  Items has inital information regarding, well, an item.  Item_stats has some more in-deapth information.  You arn't going to want to access the information on Item_stats untill the end user shown an intrest in a perticular item.  The question is, how many real records do you have in Item_stats?  You either have the choice of moving the info out, to another differently named table, OR you can just delete the content and start from scratch....

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