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Twilio.com got me interested in learning PHP - now I'm in over my head


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I am new to PHP.  What got me interested was building a telephone application using the tools at Twilio.com.


While I have programmed some in other languages (visual basic, C, ADA, etc), web programming is all new and have spent the last week with web tutorials learning basics of PHP and HTML.  Still need more basic PHP material to read, especially good examples that build on one another.


For now I learning basic syntax and trying to see the big picture.  My experience with previous languages taught me to study code from more experience programmers and avoid the urge to go too far without good mentors.


Finding a good development environment is high on my list.  For now I'm editing with NOTEPAD and looking at some pretty uninformative diagnosics in a log file.


Hope to learn enough that I can give back later.  At this point I can't offer a lot.


Suggestions for more material to read about PHP would be nice.


If anyone else has written an application using Twilio let me know.

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Hi and welcome to PHPF :)


Finding a good development environment is high on my list.  For now I'm editing with NOTEPAD and looking at some pretty uninformative diagnosics in a log file.

I personally like Eclipse and Netbeans.  Here is an extensive list of IDEs:



Hope to learn enough that I can give back later.  At this point I can't offer a lot.

We all start somewhere and I'm sure you will learn a lot here.


Suggestions for more material to read about PHP would be nice.

If you do a search in the Miscellaneous Section you will find people that have asked this question in the past.  We also have a sticky with a list of suggested references & books:


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