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I have a relational table call sales with prodcut_id and custmer_id tables. I also have a product and customer tables. products table with product_id as an auto increment and customer with custumer_id I want to join through the sales tables all t he fields of row 1 from tables customer and products and pull it at once.



This is a member login script and I want to display the products by members.


So far I have this query to display the products once the member is login in. $userid is the id of the customer coming from the $userid= $_SESSION['customer_id'];



$mysqlSales="SELECT products.* FROM products JOIN sales ON (products.product_id = procuct_id ) WHERE sales.customer_id = '$userid'";



so far that statement is not working where should I have some type of incoherance with the english statement above expressing what I want the query to do.

I believe when you use join ON it implies the two equal each other, and you're join ON field can be the matching column name, I may be wrong though, try:

$mysqlSales="SELECT products.* FROM products JOIN sales ON ( product_id ) WHERE sales.customer_id = '$userid'";


Also, you spell product like 3 different ways in your post.


I believe when you use join ON it implies the two equal each other, and you're join ON field can be the matching column name, I may be wrong though, try:

$mysqlSales="SELECT products.* FROM products JOIN sales ON ( product_id ) WHERE sales.customer_id = '$userid'";


Also, you spell product like 3 different ways in your post.


is not pulling any data at all.


I will try that zurev feedback on that later

$mysqlSales="SELECT * FROM products INNER JOIN sales  ON product_id  WHERE customer_id = '$userid' ";
$productCount = mysql_num_rows($mysqlSales); 
if ($productCount>0 )
     while($row = mysql_fetch_array($mysqlSales))



Query statement above is throwing a warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in


what could that be?

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