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safe script uploading


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What is the best way to update files on the server?


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/mysite/public_html/script1.php on line 1172


I get the above error if i try and run a script whilst simultaneously uploading the said script.


Once the script has been uploaded to server it then runs fine again.


Is there a std way to get around this?


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You could tarball the files you need to upload first, and then extract them in place. That would cut out the transfer rate issues. Although you should really perform roll-outs late at night, or when usage is at it's lowest to prevent issues like this. If that's not possible, then you should consider putting the site into 'down for maintenance' state, with permits access for yourself, so that you can test the updates are okay and you don't need to roll-back the files.

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