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I have in ONE MySQL database row a string of ID's like this:


Name of Row:Values:

Post IDs10 14 52 37


And now I want to fetch those ID's explode them (by the space) and then use them as an array, like this:


$array[] = explode(" ", $query);

echo $array[0]; // 10
echo $array[1]; // 14
echo $array[2]; // 52


Is this possible, if yes how can I do this?

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Confusion was that I had the brackets around it thinking that would be the correct way, and ken corrected me. Besides that I like posting new threads, and I posted this for the sake of it.


The last part was sarcasm, the first part was true.


You would help everyone out including yourself, if you did a better job describing your problem.  Yes you had the wrong syntax, but your question didn't indicate that you'd tried anything and had a problem-- instead it asked: "How do I do this?" 



My question was clear enough for the first poster to answer it with ease.


I really didn't know how to do this, because I have never done it before. So what would be the obvious choice here? To simply ask how to do it.


This not a why isn't it working question.


die ('Have a nice day');

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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