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I have a little problem.

I have made a script(function) to connect to the database.

this is the script:


$server = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";

function connectdatabase($type,$database)
    if($type == "mysql")
    $mysql = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
    mysql_select_db($database, $mysql);
    else if($type == "mysqli")
    $mysqli = new mysqli($server, $username, $password, $database);
    else if($type == "mssql")
    $mssql = mssql_connect($server, $username, $password);
    mssql_select_db($database, $mssql);
    function query($query)
        if($type == "mysql")
        else if($type == "mysqli")
        else if($type == "mssql")





connectdatabase("mysql", "[ledensysteem]");   //example
    if(!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z1-9-]{'.$Minimale_Gebruikersnaam_Karakters.',}$/', $_POST['gebruikersnaam']))
    if(!isset($error)){ $error=1;}else{$error=$error+1;}
    echo "Je gebruikersnaam moet minimaal {$Minimale_Gebruikersnaam_Karakters} tekens bevaten en mag geen komma of andere onbedoelde tekens zijn<br>Toegestaan is  <br>A t/m Z <br>a t/m z <br>1 t/m 9 <br>en -";
    echo "geldige gebruikersnaam(goedgekeurd)";
    if(preg_match('/^[A-Za-z1-9-]{'.$Minimale_Wachtwoord_Karakters.',}$/', $_POST['wachtwoord']) && preg_match('/^[A-Za-z1-9-]{'.$Minimale_Wachtwoord_Karakters.',}$/', $_POST['herhaalwachtwoord']))
        if($_POST['wachtwoord'] != $_POST['herhaalwachtwoord'])
        if(!isset($error)){ $error=1;}else{$error=$error+1;}
        echo "niet hetzelfde wachtwoord";
        echo "hetzelfde wachtwoord (goedgekeurd)";
    if(!isset($error)){ $error=1;}else{$error=$error+1;}
    echo "wachtwoord moet minimaal {$Minimale_Wachtwoord_Karakters} tekens bevatten!";
    if(!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z1-9_.-]{1,}@[A-Za-z1-9-]{1,}\.[A-Za-z1-9]{2,3}$/", $_POST['email']))
    if(!isset($error)){ $error=1;}else{$error=$error+1;}
    echo "onjuiste email";
    echo "goedgekeurd!";
    if(!isset($error)) // this problem is fixed yesterday on phpfreaks.com forum!
    echo "goedgedaan geen errors!";
    query("SELECT username FROM phpfreaks WHERE password = private"); // example
<TITLE>New Document</TITLE>
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="gebruikersnaam" value="gebruikersnaam" maxlength="20" size="20">
<input type="password" name="wachtwoord" value="wachtwoord" maxlength="20" size="20">
<input type="password" name="herhaalwachtwoord" value="herhaalwachtwoord" maxlength="20" size="20">
<input type="text" name="email" value="[email protected]" maxlength="50" size="20">
<input type="submit" name="login" value="inloggen">


the problem is, is that i want to pass a variable between functions like $type  (the database type) between connectdatabase(); and query();

in the 'aanmelden.php' file is an example of how i use the function (on line 3 and 45  the ones with //example  comment)


thanks for reading. please help.



ps. config.php contains include("connect.php");

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In aanmelden.php, you could assign the type to a variable ($type for example). Then pass it to both functions.



$type = 'mysql';
connectdatabase($type, "[ledensysteem]");


query($type, "SELECT username FROM phpfreaks WHERE password = private");




Of course you'll need to modify the query function to accept the second argument.

I'd suggest you have your connectdatabase() function return an array:


array('type' = $type, $dbh =  //database handle );


The trick with resource variables is that you need to pass them by reference rather than value, so you'd need to return this array by reference.


$con = array();

$con['type'] = $type;

//.... make connection and assign

$con['dbh'] = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
// At the end return $con.

return &$con;


For your query function(s) specify that the $con array will be passed by reference as well.


function query(&$con) {



FWIW, this is a good argument for why PHP Oop can be helpful, and in particular having a singleton registry object is a helpful design pattern.

I have edited my script.


function connectdatabase($type,$database)
    $server = "localhost";
    $username = "pjzlbina_test";
    $password = "test";
    global $querytype;
    $querytype = $type;
    if($type == "mysql")
    $mysql = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
    mysql_select_db($database, $mysql);
    else if($type == "mysqli")
    $mysqli = new mysqli($server, $username, $password, $database);
    else if($type == "mssql")
    $mssql = mssql_connect($server, $username, $password);
    mssql_select_db($database, $mssql);
    function query($query)
        if($querytype == "mysql")
        $test = mysql_query($query);
        echo "query{$report}";
        else if($querytype == "mysqli")
        else if($querytype == "mssql")

and i have tested it with:

connectdatabase("mysql", "[ledensysteem]");
query("select email from [gebruikers] where id = 1");

It doesn't return something?




can u translate this:

FWIW, this is a good argument for why PHP Oop can be helpful, and in particular having a singleton registry object is a helpful design pattern.


In an easy language and with no typo?


i don't understand the words:

FWIW, Singleton and design pattern.

Sorry my english is bad.

FWIW = For What It's Worth

Design Pattern = A solution to a known problem

Singleton = A design pattern, problem: Only one instance of a certain object can exist at any given time.

Registry = A design pattern, problem: You need access to an object but you can't access it directly. For example you need the orders of a customer but you don't have the customer object (but through the Customer object you can retrieve the Orders). So, instead of calling/using a global variable you use a global access point to retrieve the instance.


$customer = Registry::get('Customer');


Internally this will do something like:


return self::getInstance()->offsetGet('Customer');


self::getInstance() returns the Singleton object.


If English is too hard for you, you can also PM me in Dutch.



answer in programming language:


    $server = "localhost";
    $username = "pjzlbina_test";
    $password = "test";
function connectdatabase($type, $database)
    global $server,$username,$password,$querytype;
    if($type == "mysql")
    $mysql = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
    mysql_select_db($database, $mysql);
    $querytype = $type; //AT FUNCTION 1

    function query($query, $resulttype = "") //$resulttype = "" makes it optional to fill in.
        global $queryresult,$querytype; // LOOK ITS NOW HERE  A FRIEND HELPED ME OUT 
        if($querytype == "mysql")
            $query = mysql_query($query) or die('niet '.mysql_error().'');
        if($resulttype == "object")
                $queryresult = mysql_fetch_object($query);


connectdatabase("mysql", "pjzlbina_test");
query("SELECT * FROM `[gebruikers]` WHERE id = 1", "object");
echo "email is: {$queryresult->email}";
$load = microtime();
print (number_format($load,5));

function connectdatabase($server, $username, $password, $querytype, $type, $database)
   // function code


Also, your function definition for query() shouldn't be placed within an if-conditional.  Chances are, you want to invoke the function based on the if condition, not simply define the function.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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