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need help starting a db for and election page


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I picked up a project to do a php page using mysql on and election race.


this is the data that I need:

There are 7 polling locations and 2 runners.

I need to do a db for someone to enter the counts on to the db.


i am having trouble coming up with the scheme for the db on how to have the votes for all 7 polling locations and tie them to the 2 runners. Any suggestions or can someone guide me to a start?


Thank you in advance

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At first glance I would go with



runner_id -- TINYINT(2), AUTO_INC, PK

first_name -- VARCHAR (50)

last_name --  VARCHAR (50)



location_id -- TINYINT(2), AUTO_INC, PK

name --  VARCHAR (255)

address1 -- VARCHAR (120)

address2 --  VARCHAR (120)

address3 --  VARCHAR (120)

postcode --  VARCHAR (9)



vote_id -- INT(20), AUTO_INC, PK

location_id -- TINYINT(2), FK

runner_id -- TINYINT(2), FK

votes -- INT (255)


where PK is Primary Key and FK is Foreign Key


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one polling location has 7 addresses?... or you have 7 polling locations each one with only one address?


review this table design:

location_id -- TINYINT(2), AUTO_INC, PK
name --  VARCHAR (255)
address1 -- VARCHAR (120)
address2 --  VARCHAR (120)
address3 --  VARCHAR (120)
postcode --  VARCHAR (9)

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as I thought....  and as I said...


this table design should be checked (unless each address could have 3 lines 120 characters each... which will be extremely long)


location_id -- TINYINT(2), AUTO_INC, PK
name --  VARCHAR (255)
address1 -- VARCHAR (120)
address2 --  VARCHAR (120)
address3 --  VARCHAR (120)
postcode --  VARCHAR (9)


and related with that.... the answer to your previous question:

"on the location table, should i put address1 through address7?"  ... NO

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Yeah, miko is right.  I thought that you had the need to store seven lines for each locations address.  And by all means reduce the length of the fields, I just made that long to play it safe as I don't know (obviously) what lenth of information you will need to store for each line nad addresses have the potential to be quite long at times (thinking Welsh place names are a good example).


As I said, this was just an at a glance recomendation, I assume that if you are in the position to be "picking up projects" then you have a good working knowledge of what you are using.

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Ok this is what i got.


<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
  		<td> </td>
					if(!($db = @ mysql_connect('localhost', 'dvera', 'letdanin23')))
			print "Error: Could not connect to our database sorry for any inconvience.<br /> Please try at a later time.";
		 //select which database you want to edit

						$query = "SELECT * FROM locations";
						$result = mysql_query($query);

						//goes through all records in database and retrieves the need ones.
				   //displays all info only first three
				   print "<td>".$Name."</td>";

			}//end while loop
			print "</tr><tr>";		
			$query = "SELECT locations.LocationID, locations.Name, runners.RunnerID, runners.FirstName, runners.LastName, votes.VoteID, votes.Votes FROM locations, runners, votes WHERE locations.LocationID = votes.LocationID AND runners.RunnerID = votes.RunnerID";

		$result = mysql_query($query);

			//goes through all records in database and retrieves the need ones.
				   //displays all info only first three
            	 print '<td> ' .$FirstName. ' ' .$LastName. '</td>';
					 print "<td>" .$Votes. "</td>";


but this is whats displayed


        Place 1 Place 2 Place 3 Place 4 Place 5 Place 6 Place 7

Runner1 255       Runner1 300        Runner2 200


I am trying to display a two row 7 column table. Runner2 should be on row 2 and his count on Place 2.


any help?


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