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Adding Page Breaks in printing using the browser


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Hello Guys!


My system needs to print billing accounts of all subscribers in bulk. Accounts must be printed in a 8.5" x 5.5" paper. Accounts may consume a page or more. My problem is that if the previous account consumed a page and a half, the next account will start from the lower half of the last page of the previous account. My question is how to insert a page break so that every account starts at the top of a page.


What i have in mind so far is to generate an excel file with all the accounts and with page breaks after every account. If there's a way on how to print accounts with page breaks directly on the browser, that would be great. Other insights are highly appreciated.


Thank you guys in advanced! :)

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have you thought of looking into printing to a PDF format instead. The reason i bring this up is that you can set the 'real world size' of the document not the resolution. There are a few good php PDF classes out there on the internet. All of the pdf classes have a new page function. So when you re loop a new bill it would start on a new page.


Hope this helps

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