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Get 3 totals seperately problem


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Could someone tell me why this isnt working:


$branchPoundsResult = mysql_query("(SELECT branch, currency, sum(absoluteTotal) as poundTotal
								   FROM invoices_out
								   WHERE branch = '$currentBranch'
								   AND currency = '£')
								   (SELECT branch, currency, sum(absoluteTotal) as dollarTotal
								   FROM invoices_out
								   WHERE branch = '$currentBranch'
								   AND currency = '$')
								   (SELECT branch, currency, sum(absoluteTotal) as euroTotal
								   FROM invoices_out
								   WHERE branch = '$currentBranch'
								   AND currency = '€')
								   ")or die(mysql_error()) ;


The desired output is three rows for whatever the current branch is, each with a total in pounds, euros and dollars, but im getting nothing out :(

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The desired output is three rows for whatever the current branch is, each with a total in pounds, euros and dollars, but im getting nothing out :(

You're not outputting anything.  Is there more code?  If the or die() is not printing anything, than your query is syntactically correct.

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Sorry, this is what follows it (branchPoundsResult is just a typo):


$currencyRows = mysql_fetch_assoc($branchPoundsResult) ;

echo $currencyRows ['poundTotal'] . "<br />"; // The total in euros.
echo $currencyRows ['dollarTotal'] . "<br />"; // The total in euros.
echo $currencyRows ['euroTotal'] . "<br />"; // The total in euros.

exit() ;


The exit is there because this is part of a loop (there are more branches it will go through, this is just for testing to see if I can get the right output first).

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Here is the full code for this stage:


include("currency-convert.php") ;
include("dbconnectlocal.php") ;

$invOutBranchesResults = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT branch
									  FROM invoices_out") ; // Get the branches that have invoices out to customers one by one.
while($branchRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($invOutBranchesResults)) {
// For each branch...
echo $currentBranch = $branchRow['branch'] ;
// For this branch, we now add up all their outbound invoices for each currency, for $s and €s we need to convert to pounds, then add up the totals for each currency, to give us the total in pounds.

$branchPoundsResult = mysql_query("SELECT branch, currency, sum(absoluteTotal)
								   FROM invoices_out
								   WHERE branch = '$currentBranch'
								   AND currency = '£'
								   GROUP BY branch
								   ")or die(mysql_error()) ;
$branchDollarsResult = mysql_query("SELECT branch, currency, sum(absoluteTotal)
								   FROM invoices_out
								   WHERE branch = '$currentBranch'
								   AND currency = '$'
								   GROUP BY branch
								   ")or die(mysql_error()) ;
$branchEurosResult = mysql_query("SELECT branch, currency, sum(absoluteTotal)
								   FROM invoices_out
								   WHERE branch = '$currentBranch'
								   AND currency = '€'
								   GROUP BY branch
								   ")or die(mysql_error()) ;
// Get all the £,$,€ invoice totals for this branch, returning one row which is the total.
$poundsRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($branchPoundsResult) ;
$dollarsRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($branchDollarsResult) ;
$eurosRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($branchEurosResult) ;

$pounds = $poundsRow['sum(absoluteTotal)'] ; // The total in pounds.
$dollars = $dollarsRow['sum(absoluteTotal)'] ; 
$euros = $eurosRow['sum(absoluteTotal)'] ;

// Convert the dollars and euros into pounds...

$dinPounds = cConvert($dollars, 'dollar') ;
$einPounds = cConvert($euros, 'euro') ;

$finalPoundsTotal = $pounds + $dinPounds + $einPounds ;


As you can see, at the moment I'm using three separate quires for the different currency. I'm thinking there must be a way to do this with just one query.


Thanks for your input so far. :)

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that was my guess  ;)


this select should replace ALL the select that you have (even the first one)


SELECT branch, 
       sum(if(currency = '£',absoluteTotal,0)) AS branchpound,
       sum(if(currency = '$',absoluteTotal,0)) AS branchdollar,
       sum(if(currency = '€',absoluteTotal,0)) AS brancheuro
  FROM invoice_out
  GROUP BY branch	


the rest is only display... try it.

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