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I am using imageMagick extension with php. The problem is that I can get it to run fine as a stand alone script:


$im = new imagick('test.pdf[0]');
$im->setImageFormat( "jpg" );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );
$im->thumbnailImage(400, 0);
echo $im;


however as soon as I introduce any more php/ html code or call the script from within code it fails with no error message. For example I would like to use it like this:


# loop through results and output in a table
        while ($stmt->fetch())
          $im = new imagick($file[0]);
          $im->setImageFormat( "jpg" );
          header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );
          $im->thumbnailImage(400, 0);
          echo $im;     		


Any clues as to why this won't work?



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This line:


header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );

Is setting the header to indicate a jpeg image. You have a few problems with the appended script that you showed us - firstly you're setting the same header multiple times. That's just bad.


Secondly, you're setting the header of the PHP script (+ output) itself, which means that any web browser will interpret your page as an image. What you should be doing is referencing your standalone script using a basic image tag. Example:


<img src="standalone.php?file=<?php echo $file[0]; ?>" />


And then in the standalone.php:


$file = $_GET['file']; // You'll want to sanitize this, seriously. It's a huge security hole if you don't.
$im = new imagick($file);
$im->setImageFormat( "jpg" );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );
$im->thumbnailImage(400, 0);
echo $im;



Thanks alot mattal999!


It would have taken me a while to figure out what I was doing wrong there. I didn't realise you had to call the standalone script in the img tag.


You saved me a heap of time, and judging by some of the threads I looked at in relation to this problem, this will be useful to other people too.


Thanks again.

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