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Hello, im using ihwy - jQuery ListMenu Plugin http://www.ihwy.com/Labs/jquery-listmenu-plugin.aspx


This code when you mouseover a letter (a,b,c...) its shows data...


What i want is to stay always open dont hide every time im removing my mouse


* jQuery listmenu plugin
* Copyright (c) 2009 iHwy, Inc.
* Author: Jack Killpatrick
* Version 1.1 (08/09/2009)
* Requires jQuery 1.3.2 or jquery 1.2.6
* Visit http://www.ihwy.com/labs/jquery-listmenu-plugin.aspx for more information.
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
*   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
*   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

(function($) {
$.fn.listmenu = function(options) {
	var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.listmenu.defaults, options);
	var alph = ['_', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-'];

	return this.each(function() {
		var $wrapper, list, $list, $letters, letters = {}, $letterCount, id, $menu, colOpts = $.extend({}, $.fn.listmenu.defaults.cols, opts.cols), onNav = false, onMenu = false, currentLetter = '';
		id = this.id;
		$list = $(this);

		function init() {
			$list.css('visibility', 'hidden'); // hiding to prevent pre-load flicker. Using visibility:hidden so that list item dimensions remain available

			setTimeout(function() {

				$wrapper = $('#' + id + '-menu');

				$letters = $('.lm-letters', $wrapper).slice(0, 1); // will always be a single item
				if (opts.showCounts) $letterCount = $('.lm-letter-count', $wrapper).slice(0, 1); // will always be a single item

				$menu = $('.lm-menu', $wrapper);
				if (opts.flagDisabled) addDisabledClass(); // run after populateMenu(): needs some data from there


				// decide whether to include num and/or other links
				if (!opts.includeNums) $('._', $letters).remove();
				if (!opts.includeOther) $('.-', $letters).remove();
				$(':last', $letters).addClass('lm-last');

			}, 50);

		// positions the letter count div above the letter links (so we only have to do it once: after this we just change it's left position via mouseover)
		function setLetterCountTop() {
			$letterCount.css({ top: $('.a', $letters).slice(0, 1).offset({ margin: false, border: true }).top - $letterCount.outerHeight({ margin: true }) });

		function addDisabledClass() {
			for (var i = 0; i < alph.length; i++) {
				if (letters[alph[i]] == undefined) $('.' + alph[i], $letters).addClass('lm-disabled');

		function populateMenu() {
			var gutter = colOpts.gutter,
				cols = colOpts.count,

			if (opts.menuWidth) menuWidth = opts.menuWidth; // use user defined menu width if one provided, else calculate one
			else menuWidth = $('.lm-letters', $wrapper).width() - ($menu.outerWidth() - $menu.width());

			colWidth = (cols == 1) ? menuWidth : Math.floor((menuWidth - (gutter * (cols - 1))) / cols);
			$menu.width(menuWidth); // prevents it from resizing based on content


			var letter, outerHeight;
			$list.children().each(function() {
				str = $(this).text().replace(/\s+/g, ''); // strip all white space from text (including tabs and linebreaks that might have been in the HTML) // thanks to Liam Byrne, [email protected]
				if (str != '') {
					firstChar = str.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase();
					if (/\W/.test(firstChar)) firstChar = '-'; // not A-Z, a-z or 0-9, so considered "other"
					if (!isNaN(firstChar)) firstChar = '_'; // use '_' if the first char is a number

				outerHeight = $(this).outerHeight();

				if (letters[firstChar] == undefined) letters[firstChar] = { totHeight: 0, count: 0, colHeight: 0, hasMenu: false };
				letter = letters[firstChar];
				letter.totHeight += outerHeight;

				$.data($(this)[0], id, { firstChar: firstChar, height: outerHeight });

			$.each(letters, function() {
				this.colHeight = (this.count > 1) ? Math.ceil(this.totHeight / cols) : this.totHeight;

			var $this, data, iHeight, iLetter, cols = {}, c;
			var tagName = $list[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
			$list.children().each(function() {
				$this = $(this);
				data = $.data($this.get(0), id); iLetter = data.firstChar; iHeight = data.height;
				if (!letters[l = iLetter].hasMenu) {
					$menu.append('<div class="lm-submenu ' + iLetter + '" style="display:none;"></div>');
					letters[iLetter].hasMenu = true;

				if (cols[iLetter] == undefined) cols[iLetter] = { height: 0, colNum: 0, itemCount: 0, $colRoot: null };
				c = cols[iLetter];
				if (c.height == 0) {
					$('.lm-submenu.' + iLetter, $menu).append('<div class="lm-col c' + c.colNum + '"><' + tagName + ((tagName == 'ol') ? ' start="' + c.itemCount + '"' : '') + ' id="lm-' + id + '-' + iLetter + '-' + c.colNum + '" class="lm-col-root"></' + tagName + '></div>'); // reset start number for OL lists (deprecacted, but no reliable css solution). Creating an id to make lookups for appending list items faster
				$('#lm-' + id + '-' + iLetter + '-' + c.colNum).append($(this));

				c.height += iHeight;
				if (c.height >= letters[iLetter].colHeight) c.height = 0; // forces another column to get started if this letter comes up again

			$.each(letters, function(idx) {
				if (this.hasMenu) {
					$('.lm-submenu.' + idx + ' .lm-col', $menu).css({ 'width': colWidth, 'float': 'left' });
					$('.lm-submenu.' + idx + ' .lm-col:not(:last)', $menu).css({ 'marginRight': gutter });

			$menu.append('<div class="lm-no-match" style="display:none">' + opts.noMatchText + '</div>');

		function getLetterCount(el) {
			var letter = letters[$(el).attr('class').split(' ')[0]];
			return (letter != undefined) ? letter.count : 0; // some letters may not be in the hash

		function hideCurrentSubmenu() {
			if (currentLetter != '') $('.lm-submenu.' + currentLetter, $menu).hide();
			$('.lm-no-match', $menu).hide(); // hiding each time, rather than checking to see if we need to hide it

		function bindHandlers() {

			// sets the top position of the count div in case something above it on the page has resized
			if (opts.showCounts) {
				$wrapper.mouseover(function() {

			// kill letter clicks
			$('a', $letters).click(function() {
				return false;

				function() { onNav = true; },
				function() {
					onNav = false;

					setTimeout(function() {
						if (!onMenu) {
							$('a.lm-selected', $letters).removeClass('lm-selected');
							$('.lm-menu', $wrapper).hide();
							currentLetter = '';
					}, 10);

			$('a', $letters).mouseover(function() {
				var count = getLetterCount(this);
				var $this = $(this);

				if (opts.showCounts) {
					var left = $this.position().left;
					var width = $this.outerWidth({ margin: true });
					if (opts.showCounts) $letterCount.css({ left: left, width: width + 'px' }).text(count).show(); // set left position and width of letter count, set count text and show it

				var newLetter = $this.attr('class').split(' ')[0];
				if (newLetter != currentLetter) {
					if (currentLetter != '') {
						$('a.lm-selected', $letters).removeClass('lm-selected');

					if (count > 0) $('.lm-submenu.' + newLetter, $wrapper).show();
					else $('.lm-no-match', $wrapper).show();

					if (currentLetter == '') $('.lm-menu', $wrapper).show();
					currentLetter = newLetter;

			$('a', $letters).mouseout(function() {
				if (opts.showCounts) $letterCount.hide();

				function() {
					onMenu = true;
				function() {
					onMenu = false;
					setTimeout(function() {
						if (!onNav) {
							$('a.lm-selected', $letters).removeClass('lm-selected');
							$('.lm-menu', $wrapper).hide();
							currentLetter = '';
					}, 10);

			if (opts.onClick != null) {
				$menu.click(function(e) {
					var $target = $(e.target);
					return false;

		// creates the HTML for the letter links
		function createLettersHtml() {
			var html = [];
			for (var i = 1; i < alph.length; i++) {
				if (html.length == 0) html.push('<a class="_" href="#">0-9</a>');
				html.push('<a class="' + alph[i] + '" href="#">' + ((alph[i] == '-') ? '...' : alph[i].toUpperCase()) + '</a>');
			return '<div class="lm-letters">' + html.join('') + '</div>' + ((opts.showCounts) ? '<div class="lm-letter-count" style="display:none; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:20px;">0</div>' : ''); // the styling for letterCount is to give us a starting point for the element, which will be repositioned when made visible (ie, should not need to be styled by the user)

		function createMenuHtml() {
			return '<div class="lm-menu"></div>';

		function createWrapperHtml() {
			return '<div id="' + id + '-menu" class="lm-wrapper"></div>';


$.fn.listmenu.defaults = {
	includeNums: true,
	includeOther: false,
	flagDisabled: true,
	noMatchText: 'No matching entries',
	showCounts: true,
	menuWidth: null,
	cols: {
		count: 4,
		gutter: 40
	onClick: null


Thank you

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