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drag drop websites on the smartphone


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Not sure which board to place this in so here goes...


Has anyone seen any click and drag websites that work on smartphones?


A section of a site I am building has a click and drag feature, works brilliantly on an actual computer, but when on a smartphone things stop working. The reason being is simply because when you tap and then drag on a smart phone the browser automatically pans up or down the screen and i cant for the life of me figure a way of getting around this.


One option i suppose would be to abort the free drag and drop aspect in place for a linear movement. Have the user (on the mobile version) see arrows, upon clicking an arrow the object in question moves a set unit in this direction...


Any ideas?


<edit> The touch screen issue here also stops things highlighting on :hover as there is obviously no cursor </edit>

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Doesn't seem to work on my htc (which is pretty new).


If i tap the box with 'two' written within i get the '(drag me)' appearing. However if i try and the drag the said box into the image of a bin, the browser starts to try and copy the text, scroll the screen or two finger and it zooms...


Did it work on your smartphone? And if so which browser were you using and on what platform?


Problem is, i get the feeling that people with smartphones are less inclined to use different browsers on their smartphone as to the one preinstalled from the manufacturer...

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I use the Android SDK, Blackberry emulator, Palm Pre emulator & iPhone for smartphone development. The dotmobi emulators for featurephone & a couple of older in house phones.

I have never tried drag & drop functionality on smartphone, however it is mentioned along with HTML5 in a book on mobile development that I have used.




Have you also used the Viewport META element to control the page scalability?



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