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Hi guys,


I'm working on a customer appointment system using PHP where the users or admin adds customers to the system and book them an appointment for a specific date and time, and it all works fine.


I've now been told the system should have a callback button, so for example, if a user is booking an customers appointment then at point the customer says am not interested at the moment call me back in 1months time for example, the user would click the callback button, keys in 1month into the text field and press save. the system would now store this information in the database but remove the customer from the customer list, then in 1months time that customer would appear back on the customer list and the admin can call back again.


Making the customer appear back in 1months time or so seems very technical for me so would like you expertise on this one.


Please I would more than welcome any input you may have or if you have a better or simplier idea.


Thanks guys.

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For each customer, store the earliest date when they can be contacted. By default it's anything you want in the past (1900-01-01 for instance). When the customer hits that "callback function" then the date is updated to whenever.


When you get a list of contactable customers, find the ones that have that contact date on or before today.

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