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Hi Guys,

I have these two files one is a form with questions and the other is a results.php file. The form has 8 questions with 4 possible answers for each one namely a,b,c,d

I have managed to get the results and display them but I want to say to the user that if mostly a's were selected then it must display what is given in my if..elseif...else loop for a and likewise for b,c or d

here is my results file so far:


$title = "Quiz Results";
echo "<title>$title</title>";
// Below gets the answers from the page before //
if (isset ($_POST['submit'])) {
   $q1 = $_POST['q1'];
   $q2 = $_POST['q2'];
   $q3 = $_POST['q3'];
   $q4 = $_POST['q4'];
   $q5 = $_POST['q5'];
   $q6 = $_POST['q6'];
   $q7 = $_POST['q7'];
   $q8 = $_POST['q8'];
// Below checks to see if you forgot anything //
if ($q1 == "") {
   die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");
if ($q2 == "") {
   die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");
if ($q3 == "") {
   die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");
if ($q4 == "") {
   die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");
if ($q5 == "") {
   die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");
if ($q6 == "") {
   die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");
if ($q7 == "") {
   die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");
if ($q8 == "") {
   die ("You forgot something, go back and check over your quiz.");
// Below is where the answers are actually displayed //
1.) $q1<br>
2.) $q2<br>
3.) $q3<br>
4.) $q4<br>
5.) $q5<br>
6.) $q6<br>
7.) $q7<br>
8.) $q8</p>

// This will give me a,b,c or d from each question
$str1 = substr($q1, 0, 1);
$str2 = substr($q2, 0, 1);
$str3 = substr($q3, 0, 1);
$str4 = substr($q4, 0, 1);
$str5 = substr($q5, 0, 1);
$str6 = substr($q6, 0, 1);
$str7 = substr($q7, 0, 1);
$str8 = substr($q8, 0, 1);

// ****************   Issue is from here on   ********************************

$array = array($str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5, $str6, $str7, $str8);
$val = (array_count_values($array));
print_r ($val);

// $val = min(array($str1, $str2, $str3, $str4, $str5, $str6, $str7, $str8));
// print_r ($val);

if ($val=="a")
  echo "Mostly 'A's: IT. Looks like you're a bit of a tech-head. You should check out IT at Monash South Africa.";
elseif ($val=="b")
  echo "Mostly 'B's: Business & Economics. Whoa, look out business world! You should check out Business & Economics at Monash South Africa.";
elseif ($val=="c")
  echo "Mostly 'C's: Health Sciences. Open up and say, 'Aaaah.' You should check out Health Sciences at Monash South Africa.";
elseif ($val=="d")
  echo "Mostly 'D's: Arts. Your engine runs on creative juice. You should check out the Arts at Monash South Africa.";
  echo "You are a rare person with above normal interests, You should check out Monash South Africa.";



I have been trying various things but I think I am complicating the code to much or something....Please help me...much appreciated


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