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Posting twice

The Little Guy

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on the php/MySQL side, what actions do you take from preventing double posting?


Lets say a user fills out a form, then clicks the submit button. They wait and it takes 10 seconds and the didn't realize that it was still processing, so they click it again and finally the page reloads, but it added a duplicate record to the database.


How do you go about handling this so if the user clicks the button 2+ times, it only adds one record unless they fill the form again.



Duplicate records are fine, but we want to prevent double posting I know there is a JS way, but not everyone has JS enabled.

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I had always heard people say to use a form token and didn't know how to do it and for some reason never looked it up. I always assumed it would be more complicated but that is actually the easiest thing I've ever seen. I wasted so much time comparing the data being posted to existing data to check for a double submit that way. Thanks for the link KingPhillip.


Being lazy is hard work.

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