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thanks, for your help ...


but i am no getting array prented on the screen...

my source looks like this like this

// explode the male  name so we can see if its het for anything
$atribute = explode("/",$male);
// this should give me exp. (co) (pastel) (albino) (piedball)
$het = array();
foreach($atribute as $key=>$atribute){
	if($key == 1){
		// this sotres the snakes genetic background
		$gene_type = "$atribute";

	if($key == 2){
		// this sotres the snakes base morph
		$morph = "$atribute";	
	if($key >2){
	  	$het[] =  "$atribute";

$numb_hets = count($het);	

// ooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!
if($numb_hets == 0){		
		// co / dom / rec 
		//  base morph
		/// not het 
		$hets = "no";
		// check what they Gentic back ground is....
		if($gene_type == "co"){	
			$what = "Codominant";
		}elseif($gene_type == "dom"){
			$what = "Dominant";	
		}elseif($gene_type == "rec"){
			$what = "Reccesive";
		}elseif($gene_type == "wild"){
			$what = "Wild Type ";	
	echo "
		   echo "</pre></u></td></tr>
	// end of function     

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okay my data comes from a form

if(!isset($_POST['male'])){ $errors[] = "You Must Select A male to breed!" ;}
//check if a female was speciefied
if(!isset($_POST['female'])){ $errors[] = "You Must Select A female to breed!" ;}
$male = $_POST['MALE'];
$female = $_POST['feMALE'];

// explode the male  name so we can see if its het for anything
$atribute = explode("/",$male);
// this should give me exp. (co) (pastel) (albino) (piedball)
$het = array();
foreach($atribute as $key=>$atribute){
	if($key == 1){
		// this stores the snakes genetic background
		$gene_type = "$atribute";

	if($key == 2){
		// this stores the snakes base morph
		$morph = "$atribute";	
	if($key >2){
// this is where i need help 
// the snake could have anywhere from 1-5 het traits
i need for $het[] = $atribute to be stored into single varbles that i can use to continue my code for my breed function .................
	  	($het[] =  "$atribute" )  can not be echo and get each value .... all i get is array....



basiclly its just like that site pythonkings.nl

but i dnt have a breed function yet im stuck ........

and thats whats stopping my launch for the site......

There is a complimentary function to explode called implode(), which does basically the opposite of explode. You give it an array, and a delimiter, and you get back a string. For example

$array = array("attribute1", "attribute2", "attribute3");//example output that would be in your $het array
//lets say we wanted our string to be like this: attribute1, attribute2, attribute3
//we could use ", " as our delimiter
$string = implode(", ", $array);//Output: attribute1, attribute2, attribute3
//we could also use" - " if we wanted
$string = implode(" - ", $array);//Output: attribute1 - attribute2 - attribute3


You can use anythign as a delimiter. If you wanted to have them each on a separate line you could use <br />. If you wanted something more complicated, like as list items (<li>'s) then let me know, as its slightly more complicated, and I'll give you a hand



Implode: http://php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php


Hope this helps

thanks buddy glad to see i could get some real help!!!!

okay i will try the implode function .

but i was trying to get them into varibles so i could test them against the game like forinstance

if u have a clue about how ball pythons breeding work then u would understand like example:

male would eqaul :


where (co) equals the base morphs background

and the 2 trait will equal the base morph (pastel)

and evrything after comes from the row of the datbase what snake is het for (albino) / (piedball):

problem is i wont kno what all the snake is het for?????

so i made it so a snake can only be het for 5 traits......

witch mean the array would look something like this

// $MALE IS WHATEVER THE SNAKES ATRIBUTES ARE : like Co/pastel/albino/piedball
// so i
$at =  explode ("/"$male);
//and did this:
// wrote an array for counting
$stat = array;
foreach($at as $key=>$att){
// i want to write a varible for each stat like
$stat[] = $att;

but u cant echo $stat u would just get array and i kno i could just echo in the loop but im not trying to echo i just want to kno if $stat will hold each trait like this:
$stat[] = "co";
$stat[] = "pastel";
$stat[] = "albino";
$stat[] = "piedball";
///?????? but obvisuly u cant do that but i wanna kno how u go about doing that cause evan after implode u still dnt get what im looking for ???? u digg? 

1 - your code says if het_count == 0 then print stuff out in a table 

Should that be if hetCount != 0 then print stuff?

and then put in a catch to say there were no results if the count==0


If not then


Can you do some debugging for me please.

Change your code slightly to match the following. Get rid of all code following the $atribute = explode("/",$male); line, add in the debug echos and lets see what the result is. am wondering if the $atribute is an array and also what delimeter shows up in $male


If we can establish that you do have an array and a correct $male text then we can take the next step.




$male = $_POST['MALE'];
$female = $_POST['feMALE'];

echo "Male=".$male;

// explode the male  name so we can see if its het for anything
$atribute = explode("/",$male);


echo "Count =".$myCount;


DIDNT UNDERSTAND that one but i can be more specific i guess... :confused:



// $_POST['MALE'] would look like this with the test snake im using:
$male = $_POST['MALE'] = "/co/pastel/albino/piedball";
// i added those slashes (/) to use as an explode delimiter so if u explode u get this
$ats = explode("/",$male);
// after explosoin (Kaboom!!!!!) Now Its an array  (co)  (pastel)  (albino)  (piedball)
// foreach statment comes into play 2 ad a controller varible (hope i used that statment right lol! "control varible") 
foreach($ats as $key=>$ats){
// now the first to are easy i can just write an if statment for those guys  cause 
if($key == 1){
  // have to say exacly equal to  zero cause foreach  stores a blank value with the zero key(dnt kno why ) and beacuse im in a loop it would go to the next if i would have used(if($key>0)) 
// anyway the first key key 1  is a representation of the genetic background exp. (co) or short for coDominant  
// so i stor that into a varible
$gb = $ats;
// now the second  if statment says the following because again i just need the next varible (pastel) which is the base color/pattern mutation( im not loosing u am i ? )
if($key == 2){
$base = $ats;
// now her is where that php heffer i usta love gets tricky lol!
// the following $ats varibles are considered hets as to thats how they were posted on my database and looped into a select list...
// so heres wherre i hit the way  i dnt kno how many traits the snake is het for i want to store all the following traits into varibles that the function can comunicate with something like this: (if this is allowed)... 
if($key >2 ){
$hets = array();
$hets[] = $ats;
// but that doesnt work !!!!!  :'(
// now i kno a vetran coder would say implode or list but u must kno whats in the array to list and implode will just put whats left of the array backinto one which i dnt need so to ask the question again ....
[b]how do i store the rest of that exploded array into varlbes so i can use them in my next function? [/b]

lol, is that clear enough , thanks for your help buddie!!


PHP IS LIKE A MEAN BITCH THAT NEVER Aplogize when she does wrong!

The first item in the array is empty because there's a leading slash in your string:




The delimiter is what delimits two strings from each other, so the left-side of the first slash is treated as a string (even though it's empty). Remove the leading slash to remove the empty 0 index.


A cleaner solution for conditionally setting the variables here would be a switch statement:


switch ($key)
    case 0:
        $gb = $ats;
    case 1:
        $base = $ats;
        $hets[] = $ats;


The reason your code wasn't storing the remaining values in the array before, is because you were redefining it as an empty array in each iteration:


$hets = array();
$hets[] = $ats;


That would mean only the last item in the array is stored. Move the array declaration to outside (before) the for-each loop and you'll have better success.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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