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move_uploaded_file not moving a file to the public_html


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Could someone please help me out, i'm stuck...


Trying to get a file from the tmp folder to overwrite an existing file in the public _html. Here is php:

//printing the files and post to check what is being recieved
//moving the file from the temp folder on the server to the actual final resting place.. ie the new destination
//the file name in the temp folder on the server:
$theTempFile = $_FILES['fileToUpload']['tmp_name'];

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileToUpload']['tmp_name'], $dirFile))
		echo "move_uploaded_file(".$_FILES['fileToUpload']['tmp_name'].", $dirFile)";
		echo 'error';

$time = time();
//now update the mySql ftp_management table
$query_update = mysql_query("UPDATE
					beingEdited = 'no',
					finishTime = '$time',
					finishNotes = '$theReasons'
					theFile = '$dirFile_mysql'
	echo mysql_error();



The source of the html output is:

    [fileToUpload] => Array
            [name] => 000.html
            [type] => text/html
            [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpRHiI7f
            [error] => 0
            [size] => 642

    [uploadFileName] => 000.html
    [uploadFileDestination] => ../public_html/
    [uploadFormReason] => asef
move_uploaded_file(/tmp/phpRHiI7f, ../public_html/000.html)



The file doesn't actually move to the public_html folder however, it does update the entry in the mySql table.

As you can see the file to transfer does get uploaded as printing the $_FILES displays its existance.

The move_uploaded_file is doing something as the if is printing (the last line in the html source)


I've checked the permissions on the public_html, they are set to 755 as is the tmp folder.


I was wondering, the printed version of the move_uploaded_file function shows 2 dots before the public_html but not the /tmp. I have tested putting the two dots before the '/tmp and removing the two dots before the public_html: Both print the error message programmed for when the move_uploaded_file fails...


Really know what is stopping it overwriting the existing file...




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AHHHH.... i dont know. Now it mysteriously started working again. I really don't know what it is.


What makes you think that the file isn't being moved/overwriting an existing file?

I used the script to upload a modified page late this aft and html page in question did not change. I did a few futher tests and all i got was an updated mysql table but no new file on the server.



Perhaps it something to with my hosting company. This issue: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=336267.msg1584008#msg1584008    still exists, and i can still interrogate files on the host outside of 'my area'. Maybe they are fiddling with things.



What fo you have your $dirFile set to

It's is set further up in the 'uploader' script, but you can see what it is from the html ouput i printed in the OP.



Ok I don't know.



If I find a resolve as to why it sometimes fails I will post the results. I'll have to give the people at my host another call

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html page in question did not change


How do you know that it did not change?


Because i corrected some wording. After uploading the said file the wording hadn't changed. I then repeated the upload script with a test subject file name 000.html changing the wording, but the same thing happened.


What really is a little strange is that since the OP time and now i have made no changes to the script but now it works again  (it happens that as soon as i read your first response i tested again to double check and found it working again) :confused:

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