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php efficient loop


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Hi All,


I must be missing a trick here. I'm using the following block of code to show navigation. It tests to see if a particular field is blank, if it is, it won't show the link. Rather than repeating the block of code and numbering each one, what would be the best way to check the field in a loop?

Here's the code:

		<?php $Banner_Image = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image', true); ?>
		<?php if ($Banner_Image!='') : ?>	
			<a href="javascript:goto('.item1')">1</a>
		<?php endif; ?>	

		<?php $Banner_Image_2 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image_2', true); ?>
		<?php if ($Banner_Image_2!='') : ?>	
			<a href="javascript:goto('.item2')">2</a>
		<?php endif; ?>				

		<?php $Banner_Image_3 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image_3', true); ?>
		<?php if ($Banner_Image_3!='') : ?>	
			<a href="javascript:goto('.item3')">3</a>
		<?php endif; ?>				

		<?php $Banner_Image_4 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image_4', true); ?>
		<?php if ($Banner_Image_4!='') : ?>	
			<a href="javascript:goto('.item4')">4</a>
		<?php endif; ?>				

		<?php $Banner_Image_5 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image_5', true); ?>
		<?php if ($Banner_Image_5!='') : ?>	
			<a href="javascript:goto('.item5')">5</a>
		<?php endif; ?>	


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Correction to the above

for ($i=1; $i<6; $i++) {
$Banner_Image = get_post_meta($post->ID, "Banner_Image_$i", true);
if ($Banner_Image_$i !='') {
<a href="javascript:goto('.item<?php echo $i; ?>')"><?php echo $i; ?></a>

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Sorry to trouble you again, the above gives the following message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE


The line it refers to is this one:

if ($Banner_Image_$i !='') {


I can't see why this would cause an issue though?


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Ah yes, human spots some of the errors; computer spots them all.



for ($i=1; $i<6; $i++) {
$Banner_Image[$i] = get_post_meta($post->ID, "Banner_Image_$i", true);
if ($Banner_Image[$i] !='') { ?>
<a href="javascript:goto('.item<?php echo $i; ?>')"><?php echo $i; ?></a>


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Needed a slight amend but thanks to your code, it now works. Here's the final code:

	for ($i=1; $i<6; $i++) {
	$Banner_Image_[$i] = get_post_meta($post->ID, "Banner_Image_$i", true);
		if ($Banner_Image_[$i]!='') :?>
			<a href="javascript:goto('.item<?php echo $i; ?>')"><?php echo $i; ?></a>
		<?php endif;


Thanks again!

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Thanks cyberRobot, I'll tidy it after.


I'm trying to apply the above code to this loop as well:

			<?php $Banner_Image = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image', true); ?>
			<?php if ($Banner_Image!='') : ?>	
				<li class="item1">
				<?php $Banner_Image = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image', true);
				echo wp_get_attachment_image($Banner_Image, 'large'); ?>
			<?php endif; ?>	

			<?php $Banner_Image_2 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image_2', true); ?>
			<?php if ($Banner_Image_2!='') : ?>	
				<li class="item2">
				<?php $Banner_Image_2 = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image_2', true);
				echo wp_get_attachment_image($Banner_Image_2, 'large'); ?>
			<?php endif; ?>	

This is what I've amended it to:

			for ($i=1; $i<6; $i++) {
			$Banner_Image_[$i] = get_post_meta($post->ID, "Banner_Image_$i", true);
				if ($Banner_Image_[$i]!='') :?>

					<li class="item<?php echo $i; ?>">
					<?php $Banner_Image_[$i] = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Banner_Image_$i', true);
					echo wp_get_attachment_image($Banner_Image_[$i], 'large'); ?>					

				<?php endif;

I thought I was being smug, instead, I think my code has officially b**ch slapped me as it won't show the images :-(

Have I missed something obvious?


Thanks again everyone

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Holy cow! Yeah that solved it! So I know & understand, why is that? Would rather learn for next time than rely on others to bail me out




When using double quotes, things like variables will be interpreted by PHP. On the other hand, PHP displays the string as is if you use single quotes.

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