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Need help creating date links


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Hello all,


I need some assistance in creating links for a calendar that is db driven. below are my tables schema:


activities (actID int(20),actTitle varchar(100),actTime varchar(25),actPlace text,actBody text,actDate date,file text)


can some one point me to the right direction?


below is my query in my php file.


				$query="SELECT actID, actTitle, actTime, actPlace, actBody, date_format(actDate, '%W, %M, %d %Y') actDate, actDate as sortdate, file FROM activities WHERE actDate > '$today2' ORDER BY sortdate ASC";

				//modify these to match your mysql table columns



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$_GET['month'] = (int) $_GET['month'];
$_GET['year'] = (int) $_GET['year'];

$query = 'SELECT `columns` FROM `table` WHERE
MONTH(`actDate`) = '.$_GET['month'].' AND YEAR(`actDate`) = '.$_GET['year'];

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// get the date from the URL or get the current date
$month = isset($_GET['month']) ? sprintf('%02d',(int)$_GET['month']) : date('m');
$year = isset($_GET['year']) ? (int)$_GET['year'] : date('Y');
$date = "$year-$month";

// determine previous/next month (valid from 1970 (or 1901, depending on php version and operating system) through  2038 only)
$previous = explode('-',date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 -1 month')));
$next = explode('-',date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 +1 month')));

// produce previous/next link
$query = (empty($_GET)) ? array() : $_GET; // get an empty array if no existing $_GET parameters or get the current $_GET parameters
$query['month'] = $previous[1]; // set or replace the month parameter
$query['year'] = $previous[0]; // set or replace the year parameter
$prev_link = "<a href='?" . http_build_query($query, '', '&') . "'><img src='prev_month.png' alt=''></a>";
$query['month'] = $next[1]; // set or replace the month parameter
$query['year'] = $next[0]; // set or replace the year parameter
$next_link = "<a href='?" . http_build_query($query, '', '&') . "'><img src='next_month.png' alt=''></a>";

// output the links
echo $prev_link  . " Previous Month Current date: $date Next Month " . $next_link;

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why does my query return 0 if i do have events for this month.


// get the date from the URL or get the current date
$month = isset($_GET['month']) ? sprintf('%02d',(int)$_GET['month']) : date('m');
$year = isset($_GET['year']) ? (int)$_GET['year'] : date('Y');
$date = "$year-$month";

// determine previous/next month (valid from 1970 (or 1901, depending on php version and operating system) through  2038 only)
$previous = explode('-',date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 -1 month')));
$next = explode('-',date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 +1 month')));

// produce previous/next link
$query = (empty($_GET)) ? array() : $_GET; // get an empty array if no existing $_GET parameters or get the current $_GET parameters
$query['month'] = $previous[1]; // set or replace the month parameter
$query['year'] = $previous[0]; // set or replace the year parameter
$prev_link = "<a href='?" . http_build_query($query, '', '&') . "'><img src='prev_month.png' alt=''>Prev</a>";
$query['month'] = $next[1]; // set or replace the month parameter
$query['year'] = $next[0]; // set or replace the year parameter
$next_link = "<a href='?" . http_build_query($query, '', '&') . "'><img src='next_month.png' alt=''>Next</a>";

// output the links
echo $prev_link  . "" . $next_link;
					if(!($db = @ mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', '98098089')))
			echo 'Error: Could not connect to our database sorry for any inconvience.<br /> Please try at a later time.';
		$actID= $_GET["actID"];

		if(!isset($actID) && !isset($typeview))
//					$today = date('l, F jS, Y');
//					$today2 = date('Y-m-j');


//			$query="SELECT actID, actTitle, actBody, date_format(actDate, '%W, %M, %Y') actDate, file FROM activities WHERE actDate='$today2'";
			$query="SELECT actID, actTitle, actTime, actPlace, actBody, date_format(actDate, '%Y %m') FROM activities WHERE actDate = '$date'";
			print $query;

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why does my query return 0 if i do have events for this month.


// get the date from the URL or get the current date
$month = isset($_GET['month']) ? sprintf('%02d',(int)$_GET['month']) : date('m');
$year = isset($_GET['year']) ? (int)$_GET['year'] : date('Y');
$date = "$year-$month";

// determine previous/next month (valid from 1970 (or 1901, depending on php version and operating system) through  2038 only)
$previous = explode('-',date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 -1 month')));
$next = explode('-',date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 +1 month')));

// produce previous/next link
$query = (empty($_GET)) ? array() : $_GET; // get an empty array if no existing $_GET parameters or get the current $_GET parameters
$query['month'] = $previous[1]; // set or replace the month parameter
$query['year'] = $previous[0]; // set or replace the year parameter
$prev_link = "<a href='?" . http_build_query($query, '', '&') . "'><img src='prev_month.png' alt=''>Prev</a>";
$query['month'] = $next[1]; // set or replace the month parameter
$query['year'] = $next[0]; // set or replace the year parameter
$next_link = "<a href='?" . http_build_query($query, '', '&') . "'><img src='next_month.png' alt=''>Next</a>";

// output the links
echo $prev_link  . "" . $next_link;
					if(!($db = @ mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', '98098089')))
			echo 'Error: Could not connect to our database sorry for any inconvience.<br /> Please try at a later time.';
		$actID= $_GET["actID"];

		if(!isset($actID) && !isset($typeview))
//					$today = date('l, F jS, Y');
//					$today2 = date('Y-m-j');


//			$query="SELECT actID, actTitle, actBody, date_format(actDate, '%W, %M, %Y') actDate, file FROM activities WHERE actDate='$today2'";
			$query="SELECT actID, actTitle, actTime, actPlace, actBody, date_format(actDate, '%Y %m') FROM activities WHERE actDate = '$date'";
			print $query;


Why don't you echo some intermediate results?

$date = "$year-$month";
echo $date."<br/>";
echo date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 -1 month'))."<br/>";
echo date('Y-m',strtotime($date . '-1 +1 month'))."<br/>";

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