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I have a problem Apache who can help me?

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Make sure no other application is using port 80. If you have Vista Business you're most likely have IIS running, which also uses port 80. Either uninstall/disable IIS and Apache should work.


Also you may need to run Apache with raised privileges (as an administrator) if you have UAC enabled.

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I uninstall Xampp and got the following error message  " Important MS Vista Note!  Because an activated Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) on your system some functions of xampp are possibly restricted.  With UAC please avoid to install CAmpp to C:Program fies( because of not enough write permissions) Or dactive UAC(with msconf) after this setup.


How do I deactive UAC and where and what is that?


Thanks for the replies.

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I worked  Wednesday evening on my computer  all of a sudden I can not open up pages, the Apache server were not working. After an day of  struggling for a second time  Apache server be installed. As I did the apache been working again. I have a a technician called and he has looked to my computer and see the directory have changed. Localhost lies in a another directory. The files are now lying in Xampp, htdocs.


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