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PHP "->" and Framework?


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Hey guys, I have two questions that's been bugging me for a while now:


1) What is "->" in php and how does it work?

2) How exactly does php frameworks like PHP Cake assist in building applications?

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The '->' is an OOP operator, specifically the 'to object member' operator.  It's used when trying to access an object's public member (either field or method (function)).


Frameworks assist in building applications by providing a lot of the basic, underlying structures most/all apps need.  For MVC frameworks, they provide the front controller, routing mechanism (including the route table itself), the base class for the controllers, and, a lot of time, a ORM to help with the model as well.  It allows the developer to focus on developing an actual site/app rather than the low level (yet still important) structural code.

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1. The '->' symbol is one of the two object operators. It is used for accessing methods and variables from within the object.


2. Frameworks allow you to code within a structured manner. Allowing best practices to be shared between developers. basically If i came into your office and picked up a piece of your work i would have to pick it apart to figure out what you were trying to acomplice. But if you were using a framework ( cake, zend etc) then i would know how the code was structured etc.

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