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Checkbox help...part 2


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Hi, A few of you may remember but I recently solved a problem I was having in uploading check box data to MySQL database, which I managed to solve. At the time all I wanted to do was take check box data and put it into a table, and done so using an array which took the selected check boxes and put it onto separate rows. I.e. If i selected 4 check boxes, then 4 rows would be created.


What I now want to do is create a separate column in my table for each check box and have a 0 or 1 inserted into there based on whether the box was ticked.


My code at the moment is:



include "storescripts/connect_to_mysql.php";

   $size = $_POST['size'];
   $n        = count($size);
   $i        = 0;

   while ($i < $n)
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO events (value) VALUES ('$language[$i]')") or die(mysql_error());
   echo "</ol>";

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
Select the size you would like<br>
<input name="size[]" type="checkbox" value="Small">
<input name="size[]" type="checkbox" value="Medium">
<input name="size[]" type="checkbox" value="Large">

<input name="send" type="submit" id="send" value="Upload">

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For instance, I want a column in my database table for small, medium and large. Then, based on whether a user ticks the check box for the respective size a 1 or 0 would be inserted into the table.


I was thinking I would need an if statement that says; if the box is ticked then insert a 1 into the table, else put a 0?


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I see, well, as far as I can tell there are two ways of doing it.  Because you are storing your checkbox info in an array, you can either implode the array, then run preg_match()'s against it, or loop through it with a for each loop.  I think the for each loop is probably the easiest option.

 $checkList = array ();
$checklist = $_POST['size'];

$smallOut = 0;
$mediumOut = 0;
$largeOut = 0;

foreach ($checklist as $option){
  if ($option = 'Small'){
   $smallOut = 1;
else if ($option = 'Medium'){
  $mediumOut = 1;
else if ($option = 'Large'){
  $largeOut = 1;
echo 'Checking values:<br>';
echo '<table><tr><th>Small</th><th>Medium</th><th>Large</th></tr>';
echo "<tr><td>$smallOut</td><td>$mediumOut</td><td>$largeOut</td></tr></table>";


Something like that should do, it's messy and untested and probably needs some work but it should get you on the right track.

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Thanks so much for the help. I've done that, and added an if(isset()) function in there to solve a foreach error. But, all that happens when I tick a box is a 1 is generated for the small size, regardless of which box I tick.

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Sorry, I'm on holiday at the moment so my ability to access the internet is somewhat temperamental.

I applied your suggestion and the following is displayed:


Array ( [0] => Small [1] => Medium [2] => Large )


Thanks mate!!

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ok, tweeked and tested the foreach (I made a totaly stupid mistake with the = ::))

here's the sample code I used for testing

<form method="post" action="">
Select the size you would like<br>
<input name="size[]" type="checkbox" value="Small">
<input name="size[]" type="checkbox" value="Medium">
<input name="size[]" type="checkbox" value="Large">

<input name="send" type="submit" id="send" value="Upload">
if (@$_POST['send']){
$checklist = array();
$checklist = $_POST['size'];
foreach ($checklist as $option){
  if ($option == 'Small'){
   $smallOut = 1;
  if ($option == 'Medium'){
  $mediumOut = 1;
  if ($option == 'Large'){
  $largeOut = 1;
echo 'Checking values:<br>';
echo '<table><tr><th>Small</th><th>Medium</th><th>Large</th></tr>';
echo @"<tr><td>$smallOut</td><td>$mediumOut</td><td>$largeOut</td></tr></table>";

That works now, standalone.  I also took the "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" out of your form, you don't need it in there, and it's better if it's not.

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