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Wanted: PayPal Website Payment - advice, knowledge, links, tutorials or forums


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I'm using PHP to integrate my PayPal Website Payments Pro onto my signup page.... or at least thats what I thought I was going to do.


PHP version: 5.2.11

Plesk platform


I want to do the custom integration rather than shopping cart for sales not authorization


If anyone can offer some advice, knowledge or link some tutorials or forums that explain in great detail about integrating PayPal's Website Payments Pro I would much appreciate it. I have been sorting through the paypal forums... and the guides as well as searching online for something more detailed and step-by-step than what is offered. I am obviously still new to php and never integrated something like this.


I would post the codes but it's kind of pointless when all I have is the downloaded "generated codes" from paypal with no idea of where to place them or how to use them. I'm sort of feeling like a dog that caught the car... what the hell do I do with it?

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Redirecting to Paypal.com is professional, I do it for all my client sites. Customers will probably feel more secure checking out on a paypal.com branded page rather than something custom on your domain. Plus, if you tunnel the Paypal API to your site, you're going to need SSL and a valid site certificate in order to secure it. You can't just drop in the code and that's it.

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Not to be a buzzkill here, but you're asking to do something that's pretty complex for someone who's brand new to PHP to do.  Tying in webservices well builds on a lot of other fundamentals that it doesn't sound like you have yet. 

And when you're trying to write a custom payment solution without a good understanding of defending something like basic SQL injection, even if you can hack it together that it kind of works, you're just asking to be another statistic on the list of security breaches.

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Which is the reason I came to a help forum. To find out where I could learn to do it or have someone guide me along the right path who has done it before. But, so far, all I have learned there really isn't many people that help here with anything beyond the basics. Simply saying that would be to hard for you is exactly the opposite of the intended purpose of this forum. You should be giving advise on how they can LEARN to do what they are asking about. 



About 2 months ago I had no knowledge of php or even MySql. I have taught myself a lot over this time and for some dumb reason have came here several times looking for advise but have receive pretty much the same response. "That's too advanced" ... yet I have managed to do it without any help only taking a lot longer than if I had had advise on my topics.


If your not going to offer real advise on the topic that someone is posting about... then why even post a comment?

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And I've always wanted to build an airplane, but whenever I go ask the guys at Boeing if they can guide me through it, those jerks won't help me out.


You're brand new to PHP, you don't have any concept as to what a custom payment system might even entail, and you're coming here asking people to make something work with no real regard or understanding of what it would take to protect your user's payment information.  I'm doing both you and your users a huge service in advising you not to proceed down this path until you get some more fundamentals taken care of because public payment systems are not something that you should hack together as your first learning experiment.


Your post history largely consists of asking for help using code you downloaded and don't understand how it works.  Many of the forum members here who have significantly more experience than two months have seen the end result of trying to go down that path, which is why it is not encouraged.  If you feel that this community's effort to help guide you become a successful developer based on our years of knowledge and experience is this regard doesn't cater to the route you insist your brief experience show is better, you're welcome to find another forum that will cater to your every need.

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I'm not 100% sure but I'm guessing the people at Boeing would probably start by telling you to go after a bachelor degree in aerospace engineering or something along them lines. Maybe even tell you to attend a few aviation classes at Bismarck's Career Academy since there they have kids building planes. But... I'd almost promise you they would just tell you to forget about it... it's too hard. Obviously, I posted looking for help on a "HELP" forum for "LEARNING" how to do it because I already knew it was more than I was capable of doing at the moment. Hence... the reason I wanted to "LEARN" how to do it. If for some reason I thought I was capable of doing it off the knowledge I have now... I wouldn't be here asking for someone to point me in the right direction.


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@Dex, I agree entirely.  The reason they are telling you to wait isn't to stifle your learning, it's to learn on something not as sensetive. Your dealing with users personal payment information here. I certainly would not want to take a chance running a payment on someones custom implementation knowing they were not to that skill level. I would do some other stuff to "learn" and once you have the solid basics down, then start on something like this, once your more confident.


Also you don't want to start learning something extremely complicated. That will burn you out. If you instead take on something a little complicated, and learn, then a little harder and learn...then you will learn faster. If you jump into something WAY above your skill level, then you get frustrated, burnt out, and learn a lot slower (believe me, I have tried in the past).


When I first started learning C++ I tried to take on this really complicated desktop app...I failed miserably, and stopped working with C++ for months. Then I came back and started with simple command line stuff. Ever since I have been steadily getting better and better with it, and finally getting into desktop development without having to burn myself out.


Just advice.  Good luck with whatever you do.

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