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Does it make it harder for someone to bruteforce a string which is hashed multiple times?


For an example I have the string 'John' and I do md5(md5($john)) would that be the same as md5($john)


Or maybe if I do md5(sha1(md5($john))) ?


And also is it able to tell the hashing, which would make this whole post pointless ?

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Hashing the password prevents someone from from seeing the password if they managed to access the database.


I dont think it is possible to completely stop a brute force attempt, but you can slow them down with a CAPTCHA:


1 The user starts a session when 1st accessing the homepage.

2 Count the number of log in attempts into a session variable or cookie

3 When the count reaches a certain value, tell the user they must now complete a CATPCHA to continue... or anything similar.

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Nah I have a cookie containing a hashed username (if the user chose to stay logged in forever) but if a user can tell what hashing I used and then hash the admin username the same way I hashed the cookie will be able to log in with the admin account



database username: philip

cookie's value: sha1(md5(sha1($username)))

then check

if (sha1(md5(sha1($databaseusername)))==$_COOKIE['username']){add user panel etc etc}


my point is that a user can see the cookie's value and bruteforce it without using the website at all if they can tell the hashing

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if your worried about the strenth of your hash, use a stronger encription.  Also, I tend to use a substing lookup on any hashes I use, you could use that to mask what type of algerithem you have used by only selecting certain parts of the hashed string for storage and comparison.

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