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Hello everybody,


I hope someone can help me. I've got a database table with subscriber info linked to various tenders. The current layout of the table is as follows (this is dummy data):


Subscriber                      Category            Email                          Tender Info

Dummy Company 1        Advertisting        [email protected]        Tender 1

Dummy Company 1        Advertisting        [email protected]        Tender 2

Dummy Company 1        Advertisting        [email protected]        Tender 3

Dummy Company 1        Advertisting        [email protected]        Tender 4

Dummy Company 2        Marketing          [email protected]      Tender 5

Dummy Company 2        Marketing          [email protected]      Tender 6


What I'm trying to do, is to send Company 1 an email with the info for all 4 tenders. If I do a normal loop, it sends 4 emails, each mail having the info only for one tender.  Here's my code:


//Select subscriber and email address, grouped to only have one entry per sub
$subs = "SELECT subscriber, email FROM tenders_temp GROUP BY subscriber";
$query = mysql_query($subs);

while ($subsrs = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {

	//Select all tenders info
	$tender = "SELECT * FROM tenders_temp WHERE subscriber = '".$subsrs['subscriber']."'";
	$restender = mysql_query($tender);

	//Send email
		$msg = "<html><body>
		 <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='10'>";
						while ($rstend = mysql_fetch_array($restender)) {

		$msg .= "
						 <td valign='top'><strong>SUBSCRIBER:</strong></td>
						 <td colspan='3'>".$rstend['subscriber']."</td>
						<td valign='top'><strong>CATEGORY:</strong></td>
						<td colspan='3'>".$rstend['tender_interests']."</td>
						<td width='16%' valign='top'><strong>REFERENCE: </strong></td>
						<td width='34%'>".$rstend['reference']."</td>
						<td width='15%'><strong>CLOSING:</strong></td>
						<td width='35%'>".$rstend['closedate']." ".$rstend['closetime']."</td>
						<td valign='top'><strong>DESCRIPTION:</strong></td>
						<td colspan='3'>".$rstend['summary']." ".$rstend['description']." ".$rstend['detail']."</td>
						<td valign='top'><strong>CONTACT:</strong></td>
						<td colspan='3'>".$rstend['organization']."; ".$rstend['contact']."; Phone: ".$rstend['dial_code']." ".$rstend['telno']."; 
							Email: ".$rstend['email']."</td>
						<td valign='top'><strong>DOCUMENTATION:</strong></td>
						<td colspan='3'>".$rstend['documentation']."</td>
						<td> </td>
						<td> </td>
						<td colspan='2'> </td>
						<td> </td>
						<td> </td>
						<td colspan='2'> </td>
		$msg .= "

		$headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
		$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
		$headers .= "From: [email protected]\r\n";
		$headers .= "Reply-To: [email protected]\r\n";
		$headers .= "Return-Path: [email protected]\r\n";
		$headers .= "Organization: Tenders24\r\n";  
		$headers .= "X-Priority: 3\r\n";

		mail($subsrs['email'], "Tenders24", $msg, $headers);



Looking at this code, in theory it should work. The first query groups the entries to have one email address, then the second loop, takes each entry and loops the number of tenders inside the email. I'm getting an error with this tho.


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource


Can anybody please help??



Thanks in advance!



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You would also almost never use a query inside of a loop. The following (untested) logic should work -


// your database connection/selection code here...

$query = "SELECT * FROM tenders_temp ORDER BY subscriber"; // get the rows you want in the order that you want them
if(!$result = mysql_query($query)){
// query failed, handle the error here...
trigger_error("Query failed: $query, Error: " . mysql_error());
echo "A database error occurred and this page cannot be displayed!";
} else {
// query worked, test if it matched any rows
	// no rows were matched
	echo "There were no matching rows";
} else {
	// matched at leat one row, process the data here...
	$headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
	$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
	$headers .= "From: [email protected]\r\n";
	$headers .= "Reply-To: [email protected]\r\n";
	$headers .= "Return-Path: [email protected]\r\n";
	$headers .= "Organization: Tenders24\r\n";  
	$headers .= "X-Priority: 3\r\n";

	$last_subscriber = null; // remember the last subscriber's email, initialize to a value that will never exist in the data
	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
		// test for a change in the subscriber
		if($last_subscriber != $row['email']){
			// the subscriber changed (or is the first one)
			if($last_subscriber != null){
				// not the start of the first one, close out the previous section
				$msg .= "
				mail($last_subscriber, "Tenders24", $msg, $headers);
			// start a new section
			$msg = "<html><body>
				<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='10'>";
			$last_subscriber = $row['email']; // remember the new subscriber
		// process each row of data here...
		$msg .= "
			 <td valign='top'><strong>SUBSCRIBER:</strong></td>
			 <td colspan='3'>".$row['subscriber']."</td>
			<td valign='top'><strong>CATEGORY:</strong></td>
			<td colspan='3'>".$row['tender_interests']."</td>
			<td width='16%' valign='top'><strong>REFERENCE: </strong></td>
			<td width='34%'>".$row['reference']."</td>
			<td width='15%'><strong>CLOSING:</strong></td>
			<td width='35%'>".$row['closedate']." ".$row['closetime']."</td>
			<td valign='top'><strong>DESCRIPTION:</strong></td>
			<td colspan='3'>".$row['summary']." ".$row['description']." ".$row['detail']."</td>
			<td valign='top'><strong>CONTACT:</strong></td>
			<td colspan='3'>".$row['organization']."; ".$row['contact']."; Phone: ".$row['dial_code']." ".$row['telno']."; 
				Email: ".$row['email']."</td>
			<td valign='top'><strong>DOCUMENTATION:</strong></td>
			<td colspan='3'>".$row['documentation']."</td>
			<td> </td>
			<td> </td>
			<td colspan='2'> </td>
			<td> </td>
			<td> </td>
			<td colspan='2'> </td>
	// close out the last section
	$msg .= "
	mail($last_subscriber, "Tenders24", $msg, $headers);

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@PFMaBiSmAd, can I ask another question? Everything is working fine. Only thing I encountered is when there is no info for a tender, the table is blank. ie:


Subscriber                      Category            Email                          Tender Info

Dummy Company 1        Advertisting        [email protected]        Tender 1

Dummy Company 1        Promotions        [email protected]        No current tenders for this category

Dummy Company 1        Construction      [email protected]        No current tenders for this category


So, in your coding, it's looping through the rows, but the values are blank.


Any way around this?





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