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This is what the password encryption code looks like:

function passencr($username, $password){

$pepper = ******; //a hard-coded pepper.
$salt = ******; //a customizable salt defined by user.

$username = md5($username);
$password = md5($password);

$newpassword = sha1($username.$password);
$finalpassword = sha1($pepper.$newpassword.$salt);
return $finalpassword;


So in this script both username and password are encrypted with md5 and then joined together to further encrypt with sha1 method. The finalized string is a combination of the new string, pepper and salt. I wonder if this is secure enough and whether there is a way to improve it.


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"sha1" has been compromised and governments across the world and no longer using it. so I'd advise against it :D


You should use: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.hash.php (if you are using PHP 5.1.2 or above)


Supported algorithms: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.hash-algos.php


I'm currently using "sha512" but may change that soon after more research.


To get and indication of the performance of the hashing on your server try: [run the test when the server has full resources available]





define('HASH_TIMES', 1000);
define('HASH_DATA', 'The quick brown fox jumped over!'); // 32 bytes

header('Content-Type: text/plain');
echo 'Testing ' . strlen(HASH_DATA) . ' bytes of data over ' . HASH_TIMES . " iterations:\n";

foreach (hash_algos() as $algo) {
    $time = microtime(1);
    for ($i = 0; $i < HASH_TIMES; $i++) hash($algo, HASH_DATA);
    $results[$algo] = microtime(1) - $time;

$time = microtime(1); for ($i = 0; $i < HASH_TIMES; $i++) crc32(HASH_DATA); $results['crc32()'] = microtime(1) - $time;
$time = microtime(1); for ($i = 0; $i < HASH_TIMES; $i++) md5(HASH_DATA); $results['md5()'] = microtime(1) - $time;
$time = microtime(1); for ($i = 0; $i < HASH_TIMES; $i++) sha1(HASH_DATA); $results['sha1()'] = microtime(1) - $time;

asort($results, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($results as $algo => $time) echo "\n$time\t$algo";



This "performance" is not really equal to "security" so pick wisely :D


Some reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Hash_Algorithm


All the Best!,


- Deano

I see, so changing sha1 to sha512 is a better idea? In the script I provided, both username and password are encrypted with md5 and then joined together by sha1 followed by another sha1 encryption with salt and pepper. Anyway do you think it improves security by encrypting passwords for more than one time?

Encrypting more that once; say md5 then sha1; may seem good but it is really bad idea.


It reduces security since it increases the chances of someone using a "rainbow table" and "hashing collision" to hone down on a password.


I'd use sha512 (in the SHA2 family) once and choose a good salt for it.


Also just a side note. try thinking hard about whether or not to encrypt the username or not.

Because one way encrypting a username would mean that you couldn't display or use the username on your site.


Really only passwords should be one way encrypted.

Well the username is not really encrypted in a way that it cannot be displayed. The so-called username encryption is pretty much just like another salt or pepper that encrypts together with password. Thanks for your suggestion, I will give a try.


I found this from the thread Jaysonic provided, is it a good idea to try the approach?


function generateRandom($length = 32, $extraChars = false)

$chars = '0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW';

if ($extraChars) {

$chars .= '_-+=%&*\'"`\\()~@{}[]<>,.?#| ';


for ($i = 0, $charRange = strlen($chars)-1, $password = ''; $i < $length; $i++) {

$password .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $charRange)];


return $password;

function hashPassword($password, $salt, $salt2)

$salt2Length = strlen($salt2);

for ($i = 0, $max = strlen($password); $i < $max; $i++) {

$password[$i] = chr(ord($password[$i]) ^ ord($salt2[$i % $salt2Length]));


return hash('sha256', $salt . base64_encode($password));

$salt = generateRandom(32, true);
$salt2 = generateRandom(32, true);
$password = 'goodJob';
$hash = hashPassword($password, $salt, $salt2);

echo "Salt: {$salt}\nSalt 2: {$salt2}\nPassword: {$password}\nHash: {$hash}";


Well the username is not really encrypted in a way that it cannot be displayed. The so-called username encryption is pretty much just like another salt or pepper that encrypts together with password. Thanks for your suggestion, I will give a try.


I found this from the thread Jaysonic provided, is it a good idea to try the approach?


function generateRandom($length = 32, $extraChars = false)

$chars = '0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW';

if ($extraChars) {

$chars .= '_-+=%&*\'"`\\()~@{}[]<>,.?#| ';


for ($i = 0, $charRange = strlen($chars)-1, $password = ''; $i < $length; $i++) {

$password .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $charRange)];


return $password;

function hashPassword($password, $salt, $salt2)

$salt2Length = strlen($salt2);

for ($i = 0, $max = strlen($password); $i < $max; $i++) {

$password[$i] = chr(ord($password[$i]) ^ ord($salt2[$i % $salt2Length]));


return hash('sha256', $salt . base64_encode($password));

$salt = generateRandom(32, true);
$salt2 = generateRandom(32, true);
$password = 'goodJob';
$hash = hashPassword($password, $salt, $salt2);

echo "Salt: {$salt}\nSalt 2: {$salt2}\nPassword: {$password}\nHash: {$hash}";



Yeah that seems pretty solid.


Just make sure you understand it first and then test, test, test! :D




And btw, is using hard-coded pepper together with a random generated salt better than simply using salt or pepper alone?


A) Hmmm I'm not sure. Maybe someone else knows this?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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