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Should a big project follow any frameworks or patterns when being created?


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I am considering investing what will be a lot of time and money into an idea I have for a new functional/service website.


I am self taught in hmtl/js(and jquery)/css/php...etc. However every script i have ever written, no matter how simple or complex i have drafted out the on paper then blasted the code out end to end following no frameworks of any kind. As a matter of fact i have had no experience with any frameworks of any kind (with the exception of jquery).


However, this new idea I am considering will be far bigger than anything I have ever done before. I have already drafted out each page of the site on paper and know more or less what script will have to do.



Before ploughing off into turning this idea from sketches and notes into a reality... Would anybody have any tips? Should I read up on frameworks? Will I benefit from Zend?


I dont want to employ a developer some time down the line if the site is to expand only to find I should have followed a framework of some kind which would make things a lot easier...

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Ok, well i have read up on a few frameworks possibilities but i cannot see the benefit as yet.




Maybe if i was about to create a more generic type of site, a forum or shopping site or blogging thing... then a framework might be handy. However after reading a few tours I get the distinct impression that learning how to use someone else framework to create and manipulate data is like learning another language...


Anyone got any experience with any frameworks and found they are much simpler to use than just coding in the normal fashion?


Is the goal of using a framework ease of maintenance and future development not in a disimilar way to OOP?

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  • 2 weeks later...

well... your system, as you use pieces of it to achieve a greater objective, may use a framework for the most common tasks.

For control panels a template framework is a good idea, for more extensibility of a language a framework may add complex types such as classes for managing connections instead of loose resources and may add event handling too.

Generally features that PHP alone would require you to write something similar over and over (or write some dirty code), for each project. So in the end you will be writting your own framework, wanting or not, which may be what you call "your own patters" within the system.

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Also note that OOP is a way to write code while a framework is low-level structural code that is general and useful enough to be used in many projects.  Many frameworks are written using OOP.


As far as what framework to use, you can't go wrong with one that implements the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern.

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