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Hey guys,


I've kind of taken over a project from a friend.  It's a leaderboard for posting splits for drivers.  The splits get posted to a leaderboard.xsl (which is working fine).  The update.php page is designed to update a leaderboard.xml file, this way anyone can login and update new splits for each weeks race.  (more info can be found here if you are curious).


I found a small bug in the leaderboard.xsl file.  It is meant for displaying the drivers splits, calculating the difference between drivers, what division they are, car they used and includes a 'Controller' column.  This is where the bug is. 


Normally, it will display if that driver uses a gamepad or a steering wheel.  If it's a one lap aka 'hotlap' race, the Controller column shows either a 'wheel' or 'controller' as it should.


However, if it's a multi-lap race (2+ laps), then the Controller column automatically defaults to the <xsl:otherwise> option of a "?".


Here is an example of the Controller column working properly for each driver:




Here is what it does when there are two (or more) sets of splits for each driver on the leaderboard:




The code makes the post over the character length, you can view the code here.


Any assistance/help would be great appreciated as I'll be done with the project then :D





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OK, so can you give a little more information. Is the value being saved incorrectly or is it a problem when the values are displayed?


It's being saved properly in the leaderboard.xml file, likely a problem when the values are displayed; gives "?" instead.




A shot in the dark:

					<!-- Controller -->
				<xsl:if test="../descendant::driver/@controller">
				<td class="controller" rowspan="{count(lap) + 1}">
						<xsl:when test="@controller = 1">
						<xsl:when test="@controller = 2">


That worked!  Now single lap and multilaps show the controller!  YES!  Thank you so much  8)



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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