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How is ASP.net Compared to PHP?


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I do like that you have to type less with ASP.net, I think certain things could be done just that way in PHP.


I often do not like to spend too much time with formatting and indenting, which I have to do in PHP.


ASP.net does seem to not have a documentation which I do not like and I also assume the functionality may not match up to PHP.


How else does it compare?

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Webforms (which is regular ASP.NET) and PHP aren't really directly comparable.  Webforms are built with 'server controls', which are bits and pieces of mashed together code.  Some of the code is used purely for display, while other parts do things behind the scenes.  There's nothing remotely like that in PHP.


ASP.NET MVC is a lot closer to what web developers deal with.  The framework is modeled after (stolen from) Rails.  The closest PHP counterpart I can think of to that would be Symfony2.


As someone who's done both webforms and MVC, I say skip webforms.  They're clunky, horrible to work with (the Page object's lifestyle is just baffling at times), and nearly impossible to test well.  MVC w/ C# is where it's at.

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