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Hello, I am a novice with php and know close to nothing about JSON. I am using wordpress and have 2 calendar type plugins I want to work together. With one plugin the user inputs dates that they are booked. The other plugin is a date picker, the cool part is it allows you to black out dates using php before the date picker is built.


So what I'm trying to do is get the data from what the user chose as booked, and not let a user on the front end pick any of the booked dates with the date picker. Hope that makes sense. The problem is the formatting of the data with the date booked plugin. This is what is in the field


a:1:{s:9:"calendars";a:1:{i:1;a:4:{s:12:"calendarName";s:21:"Availability Calendar";s:12:"calendarJson";s:59:"{"year2011":{"month12":{"day25":"booked","day6":"booked"}}}";s:11:"dateCreated";i:1324333825;s:12:"dateModified";i:1324333825;}}}



I chose 2 dates to be booked in that example: dec 25 2011, and dec 6 2011.  I have no idea how I would parse the above data into what I need. I don't really need the data from the other parts of the above code, just the dates. The others are field descriptions and etc. that wordpress uses.


Incidentally, this is what the date picker setup would look like in the above senario:


$myCalendar->setSpecificDate(array("2011-12-06","2011-12-25"), 0, '');

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What you pasted is not JSON.  It is a string of serialized data, and you can reverse it using unserialize.


After you unserialize it you can access the key 'calendarJson' which contains json and you can decode that using json_decode.

$data = 'a:1:{s:9:"calendars";a:1:{i:1;a:4:{s:12:"calendarName";s:21:"Availability Calendar";s:12:"calendarJson";s:59:"{"year2011":{"month12":{"day25":"booked","day6":"booked"}}}";s:11:"dateCreated";i:1324333825;s:12:"dateModified";i:1324333825;}}}';
$x = @unserialize($data);
echo '<pre>';
$a = json_decode($x['calendars']['1']['calendarJson'],true);


this worked on my server unserialize is php 4.3 i think

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