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Hey, from New Zealand


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Hey my name is Jacob Marshall. I just turned 16 in January, I live in New Zealand and have done so for more of less 4-5 years now.


I have around 5-6 years of web development experience, and around 4 years of PHP, MySQL experience. At the moment I am taking a break from my normal, and join a forum in which to educate and help educate others.


Basically, I started a HUGE project last year. Its called Managenet, and its web software I'm writing that allows schools to have a full online workspace for each one of their students and even teachers, to allow collaboration between them both. However, because of New Zealand schools starting in February, I am forced to give it a break to help focus on my grades.


The web + web related languages I know are: HTML (4-5), CSS (2-3), Javascript, jQuery, PHP (5) and MySQL. There are more I know, however these are the ones I tend to use on an every day basis.


I also have experience in Java, however I do not see myself pursuing this programming language any further, because of my love for PHP.


I have been administrating forums since before I remember, I have never been a forum Moderator since my skills of forum administering have always been realized.


I have worked in an office before, many times during past holidays, thus allowing me to gain something from my work (money) which I tend not to obtain when I work for myself. I love doing freelance work, and I may advertise myself at a later date in the correct board on your forums.



Jacob Marshall


PS: If an administrator could please change my forum name/username to JacobCMarshall, because it sort of looks terrible when the name doesn't wrap. Thanks xD

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