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codepad.viper regular expression behavior


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Is anyone else noticing unexpected behavior with regex functions like preg_match() etc. on codepad.viper-7.com?

A few tests I have performed have not shown any results at all.

A pattern like '~.*~'; isn't matching anything when the $subject argument is certain things, other times it will match everything in the $subject argument, very strange.

I haven't ran enough tests to determine what exactly in the $subject arguments is causing this, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

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Do you have an example we can use to reproduce the problem? Saying "sometimes it doesn't work" is about as ambiguous as saying there's a security hole in IE6.


heh, yeah sure.




it seems that tags are now stripped or something of the sort.

The behavior seems kind of random to me, as sometimes it parses the string fine and sometimes its stripped.

This behavior did not occur until maintenance was performed on the site about 2 weeks ago.


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as far as I know it's always been text/html output.  There used to be a tab at the top that let you switch between html or plain text and that seems to be gone now.  Maybe it remembered your selection so it went to plain text for you by default, not sure if it did that or not.


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as far as I know it's always been text/html output.  There used to be a tab at the top that let you switch between html or plain text and that seems to be gone now.  Maybe it remembered your selection so it went to plain text for you by default, not sure if it did that or not.


very well could have, I guess I will have to use a header to get to the proper content-type.

Thanks for the help.

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It used to default to the HTML view, then was changed to the Source view. Now with the new design it is back to the HTML view.


I have always just forced a plain text output from within the code, with things like header("Content-Type: text/plain") or ini_set("default_mimetype", "text/plain").

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It used to default to the HTML view, then was changed to the Source view. Now with the new design it is back to the HTML view.


I have always just forced a plain text output from within the code, with things like header("Content-Type: text/plain") or ini_set("default_mimetype", "text/plain").


yeah, I have started to do the same now. thanks Sal

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