makedonos Posted March 10, 2012 Share Posted March 10, 2012 Can help me with "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" error on this code: <? require "../includes/functions.php"; //configura if (isset($_POST["values"])) $values = $_POST["values"]; //conecta com o banco de dados conecta(); //altera dados $salert = ""; $salert1 = ""; if (isset($_POST["exec"])){ if ($_POST["exec"]=='alt') $bdone=false; $verifica = mysql_query("select count(*) from FUK_001AGENDACONFIG where ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOINICIO='" . $_POST["ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOINICIO"] . "' and ATSV001ALMOCOINICIO='" . $_POST["ATSV001ALMOCOINICIO"] . "' and ATNI001DURACAO=" . $_POST["ATNI001DURACAO"] . " and ATNI001INTERVALO=" . $_POST["ATNI001INTERVALO"] . " and ATBL001SABADOS=" . $_POST["ATBL001SABADOS"] . " and ATBL001DOMINGOS=" . $_POST["ATBL001DOMINGOS"] . " and ATNI001ANTECEDENCIA=" . $_POST["ATNI001ANTECEDENCIA"] . " and ATNI001LIMITEMES=" . $_POST["ATNI001LIMITEMES"] . " and ATSV001SABADOSINICIO='" . $_POST["ATSV001SABADOSINICIO"] . "' and ATSV001SABADOSFINAL='" . $_POST["ATSV001SABADOSFINAL"] . "' and ATSV001DOMINGOSINICIO='" . $_POST["ATSV001DOMINGOSINICIO"] . "' and ATSV001DOMINGOSFINAL='" . $_POST["ATSV001DOMINGOSFINAL"] . "'"); $averifica = mysql_fetch_array($verifica); if($averifica[0] == 0){ $compromissos = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM fuk_003agenda where ATDT003VISITA >= '" . date("Y") . ":" . date("m") . ":" . date("d") . "' "); $acompromissos = mysql_fetch_array($compromissos); if ($acompromissos[0]>0) $salert = "* Existem vários compromissos agendados \\ncom a configuração anterior verifique se\\nnão há necessidade de reagendamento;"; mysql_free_result($compromissos); mysql_query(consulta('FUK_001AGENDACONFIG', 1)); } mysql_free_result($verifica); if (isset($_POST["ATDT002DATA"])){ foreach($_POST["ATDT002DATA"] as $sdata){ $verifica = mysql_query("select count(*) from FUK_002FERIADOS where ATDT002DATA = '$sdata'"); $averifica = mysql_fetch_array($verifica); if ($averifica[0]==0){ mysql_query("insert into FUK_002FERIADOS (ATDT002DATA, ATBL002EXISTE) VALUES ('$sdata', 1)"); $adata = split('-', $sdata); $verifica1 = mysql_query("select count(*) from fuk_003agenda where month(ATDT003VISITA) = '" . $adata[1] . "' and day(ATDT003VISITA) = '" . $adata[2] . "' and year(ATDT003VISITA) >= '" . date("Y") . "'"); $averifica1 = mysql_fetch_array($verifica1); if ($averifica1[0]>0) $salert1 .= "* Exixtem agendamentos no feriado do dia " . $adata[2] . "/" . $adata[1] . ";\\n"; mysql_free_result($verifica1); } else mysql_query("update FUK_002FERIADOS set ATBL002EXISTE=1 where ATDT002DATA='$sdata'"); mysql_free_result($verifica); } mysql_query("delete from FUK_002FERIADOS where ATBL002EXISTE=0"); mysql_query("update FUK_002FERIADOS set ATBL002EXISTE=0"); if ($salert != '') $salert = $salert . "\\n"; if ($salert1 != '' || $salert != '') $salert = " <script>alert('" . $salert . $salert1 . "');</script>"; } } //recupera dados de configuração $consulta = 'select PKNI001ID, ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOINICIO, ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOFINAL, ATSV001ALMOCOINICIO, ATSV001ALMOCOFINAL, ATNI001DURACAO, ATNI001INTERVALO, ATBL001SABADOS, ATBL001DOMINGOS, ATNI001ANTECEDENCIA, ATNI001LIMITEMES, ATSV001SABADOSINICIO, ATSV001SABADOSFINAL, ATSV001DOMINGOSINICIO, ATSV001DOMINGOSFINAL from FUK_001AGENDACONFIG order by PKNI001ID desc LIMIT 1'; $config = mysql_query($consulta); if (mysql_affected_rows()==0){ mysql_query('insert into FUK_001AGENDACONFIG (PKNI001ID) values (1)'); $config = mysql_query($consulta); } while ($alinha = mysql_fetch_array($config, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $bex = true; foreach ($alinha as $id => $valor) { $$id = $valor; } } mysql_free_result($config); //recupera datas de feriados $consulta = 'select ATDT002DATA from FUK_002FERIADOS order by ATDT002DATA'; $datas = mysql_query($consulta); if (mysql_affected_rows()!=0){ $isequencia=0; while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($datas, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $adata = split('-', $line['ATDT002DATA']); if ($isequencia==0) $sferiados = $adata[2] . '/' . $adata[1] . ' <input id=extop name=' . $isequencia . ' type=button value=excluir onclick="javascript:remover(document.getElementById(\'FERIADOS\'), document.forms[0].extop,;" style="font-size: 10px;"><input type=hidden name=ATDT002DATA value="' . $line['ATDT002DATA'] . '"><BR>'; else $sferiados .= '<OBJ>' . $adata[2] . '/' . $adata[1] . ' <input id=extop name=' . $isequencia . ' type=button value=excluir onclick="javascript:remover(document.getElementById(\'FERIADOS\'), document.forms[0].extop,;" style="font-size: 10px;"><input type=hidden name=ATDT002DATA value="' . $line['ATDT002DATA'] . '"><BR>'; $isequencia++; } } else { $sferiados = ''; } //disconecta do banco de dados disconecta(); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Fukuda Motor Center</title> <link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=../includes/style.css> <script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript src=../includes/validaror.js></script> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- objVld=getValidator('dat'); objVld.setView(true); objVld.addRule('ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOINICIO','required','horário de funcionamento de'); objVld.addRule('ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOINICIO','hora','horário de funcionamento de'); objVld.addRule('ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOFINAL','required','do horário de funcionamento até'); objVld.addRule('ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOFINAL','hora','do horário de funcionamento até'); objVld.addRule('ATSV001ALMOCOINICIO','required','horário de almoço de'); objVld.addRule('ATSV001ALMOCOINICIO','hora','horário de almoço de'); objVld.addRule('ATSV001ALMOCOFINAL','required','horário de almoço até'); objVld.addRule('ATSV001ALMOCOFINAL','hora','horário de almoço até'); objVld.addRule('ATNI001DURACAO','required','tempo médio de uma visita'); objVld.addRule('ATNI001DURACAO','integer','tempo médio de uma visita'); objVld.addRule('document.dat.ATNI001DURACAO.value>=10','externalFunction','tempo médio de uma visita', 'O tempo médio de uma visita deve ser maior ou igual à 10 min'); objVld.addRule('ATNI001INTERVALO','required','tempo de intervalo entre visitas'); objVld.addRule('ATNI001INTERVALO','integer','tempo de intervalo entre visitas'); objVld.addRule('ATNI001ANTECEDENCIA','required','marcar visita com antecedencia de'); objVld.addRule('ATNI001ANTECEDENCIA','integer','marcar visita com antecedencia de'); objVld.addRule('ATNI001LIMITEMES','required','permite marcar visitas com até'); objVld.addRule('ATNI001LIMITEMES','integer','permite marcar visitas com até'); objVld.addRule("(document.dat.ATSV001SABADOSINICIO.value!='' && 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document.getElementById("dia").value + '/' + document.getElementById("mes").value +' <input id=extop type=button value=excluir onclick=\"javascript:remover(document.getElementById(\'FERIADOS\'), document.forms[0].extop,;\" style=\"font-size: 10px;\"><input type=hidden name=ATDT002DATA value=\"0001-' + document.getElementById("mes").value + '-' + document.getElementById("dia").value + '\"><BR>'; else document.getElementById("FERIADOS").innerHTML=document.getElementById("FERIADOS").innerHTML.replace('<BR><BR>','<BR>') + '<OBJ>' + document.getElementById("dia").value + '/' + document.getElementById("mes").value +' <input id=extop type=button value=excluir onclick=\"javascript:remover(document.getElementById(\'FERIADOS\'), document.forms[0].extop,;\" style=\"font-size: 10px;\"><input type=hidden name=ATDT002DATA value=\"0001-' + document.getElementById("mes").value + '-' + document.getElementById("dia").value + '\"><BR>'; document.getElementById("mes").value=''; 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src=../images/gif.gif width=1 height=15><a href='agenda_configurar.php' class=menu_text>:: configurar</a><br> <img src=../images/gif.gif width=1 height=15><a href='agenda_compromissos.php' class=menu_text>:: compromissos</a><br><img src=images/gif.gif width=1 height=8></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src=../images/gif.gif width=1 height=4></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3 bgcolor="#919090"><img src=../images/gif.gif width=1 height=1></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=1 height=1></td> <form action="<?=$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']?>" name=dat method=post> <td class=text_gray width=473> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td class=text_gray>horário de funcionamento:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=1></td> <td class=text_gray>de <input type=text name=ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOINICIO value="<?=$ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOINICIO?>" class=form_contato style="width: 62;"> até <input type=text name=ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOFINAL value="<?=$ATSV001FUNCIONAMENTOFINAL?>" class=form_contato style="width: 62;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=text_gray>horário de almoço:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=1></td> <td class=text_gray>de <input type=text name=ATSV001ALMOCOINICIO value="<?=$ATSV001ALMOCOINICIO?>" class=form_contato style="width: 62;"> até <input type=text name=ATSV001ALMOCOFINAL value="<?=$ATSV001ALMOCOFINAL?>" class=form_contato style="width: 62;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=text_gray>tempo médio de uma visita:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=1></td> <td class=text_gray><input type=text name=ATNI001DURACAO value="<?=$ATNI001DURACAO?>" class=form_contato style="width: 22;"> (minutos)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=text_gray>tempo de intervalo entre visitas:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=1></td> <td class=text_gray><input type=text name=ATNI001INTERVALO value="<?=$ATNI001INTERVALO?>" class=form_contato style="width: 22;"> (minutos)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=text_gray>marcar visita com antecedencia de:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=1></td> <td class=text_gray><input type=text name=ATNI001ANTECEDENCIA value="<?=$ATNI001ANTECEDENCIA?>" class=form_contato style="width: 22;"> (dias)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=text_gray>permite marcar visitas com até:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=1></td> <td class=text_gray><input type=text name=ATNI001LIMITEMES value="<?=$ATNI001LIMITEMES?>" class=form_contato style="width: 22;"> (meses)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=text_gray><input type="checkbox" name=ATBL001SABADOS value="1"<?if($ATBL001SABADOS==1)echo " checked"?>> agenda visitas aos sábados:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=1></td> <td class=text_gray>de <input type=text name=ATSV001SABADOSINICIO value="<?=$ATSV001SABADOSINICIO?>" class=form_contato style="width: 62;"> até <input type=text name=ATSV001SABADOSFINAL value="<?=$ATSV001SABADOSFINAL?>" class=form_contato style="width: 62;"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=text_gray><input type="checkbox" name=ATBL001DOMINGOS value="1"<?if($ATBL001DOMINGOS==1)echo " checked"?>> agenda visitas aos domingos:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=1></td> <td class=text_gray>de <input type=text name=ATSV001DOMINGOSINICIO value="<?=$ATSV001DOMINGOSINICIO?>" class=form_contato style="width: 62;"> até <input type=text name=ATSV001DOMINGOSFINAL value="<?=$ATSV001DOMINGOSFINAL?>" class=form_contato style="width: 62;"></td> </tr> </table><br> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan=3 class=text_gray>Feriados que não agenda visita</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=text_gray valign=bottom>adicionar:</td> <td><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=25></td> <td class=text_gray valign=bottom><input type=text name=dia class=form_contato style="width: 20;"> / <input type=text name=mes class=form_contato style="width: 20;"> <a href="javascript:adiciona()"><img src=../images/admin/incluir.gif alt=incluir border=0></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2><img src=../images/gif.gif width=10 height=20></td> <td class=text_gray valign=bottom> <div id="FERIADOS" class=front_texto style="font-size: 12px; heigth: 82px; left: 200px; top: 50px; width: 300px;"><?=$sferiados?></div> </td> </tr> </table> <input type=hidden name=PKNI001ID value=1> <a href='#' onclick="javascript:if(!objVld_dat.execute()){openPop('../erro.php?e=' + strErrorMessage, 'erro', 328, 180, 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,status=no')}else{executa('alt', '');};" class=text_gray style="text-decoration: underline;">gravar</a><br> </td> <input type=hidden name=exec onchange="alert(this.value);"> </form> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor=white height=6><img src=../images/gif.gif width=1 height=6></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src=../images/c_esq.gif></td> <td colspan=3 background=../images/sombra_bai.gif height=6><img src=../images/gif.gif width=1 height=6></td> <td><img 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10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 71 Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pikachu2000 Posted March 10, 2012 Share Posted March 10, 2012 Echo mysql_error. See what error the db is kicking out. Also echo your query string and look it over. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
makedonos Posted March 10, 2012 Author Share Posted March 10, 2012 This error: Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 58 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 58 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 64 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 58 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 64 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 71 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mahngiel Posted March 10, 2012 Share Posted March 10, 2012 So we do not have to count, can you post the relevant lines surrounding the parsed errors? (lines 58, 64, and 71) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
makedonos Posted March 10, 2012 Author Share Posted March 10, 2012 Sorry: line 58: while ($alinha = mysql_fetch_array($config, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $bex = true; foreach ($alinha as $id => $valor) { $$id = $valor; } line 64: mysql_free_result($config); line 71: while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($datas, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $adata = split('-', $line['ATDT002DATA']); if ($isequencia==0) $sferiados = $adata[2] . '/' . $adata[1] . ' <input id=extop name=' . $isequencia . ' type=button value=excluir onclick="javascript:remover(document.getElementById(\'FERIADOS\'), document.forms[0].extop,;" style="font-size: 10px;"><input type=hidden name=ATDT002DATA value="' . $line['ATDT002DATA'] . '"><BR>'; else $sferiados .= '<OBJ>' . $adata[2] . '/' . $adata[1] . ' <input id=extop name=' . $isequencia . ' type=button value=excluir onclick="javascript:remover(document.getElementById(\'FERIADOS\'), document.forms[0].extop,;" style="font-size: 10px;"><input type=hidden name=ATDT002DATA value="' . $line['ATDT002DATA'] . '"><BR>'; $isequencia++; } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mahngiel Posted March 10, 2012 Share Posted March 10, 2012 Sorry: line 58: while ($alinha = mysql_fetch_array($config, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $bex = true; foreach ($alinha as $id => $valor) { $$id = $valor; // I am assuming this is line 58, as you have a syntax error here with two $ } line 64: mysql_free_result($config); See my inline comment Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pikachu2000 Posted March 10, 2012 Share Posted March 10, 2012 Echo mysql_error. See what error the db is kicking out. Also echo your query string and look it over. This error: Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 58 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 58 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 64 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 58 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 64 Erro de execução tipo "Warning" - 10/03/2012 12:16:20 Mensagem: "mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given" Arquivo: /home/www/ - linha: 71 That is not the output from mysql_error, and it is not the result of echoing your query string. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cpd Posted March 10, 2012 Share Posted March 10, 2012 Your error will be coming from your MySQL query. When your query is successful it will return something called a resource id which is used by the mysql_fetch_array function. If no resource id is returned by the query, the mysql_fetch_array function will fail which is what is happening in your case. You need to refer to your query and ensure your t-SQL Is correct. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redsmurph Posted March 10, 2012 Share Posted March 10, 2012 You also need to take explicit action when the query returns false. You can't just assume it will always succeed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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