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HTTP_GET and http_post_data


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Is there anywhere I can find in-depth tutorial on what these mean? The PHP Manual didn't do to good of a job in my opinion. What confuses me is the whole option part of the functions. I need to figure out what these mean.


I'm trying to learn about functions like the two; my first project will be an auto-voter that basically just goes to the specified website and enters in the form data. How would I go about doing this? Would I use the functions I talked about above?

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You should bookmark Tizag, I found that site to be extremely helpful when I was starting out.


The short & sweet I can tell you about POST & GET is that POST sends your form's information in an array $_POST[] and GET creates those url query strings you see in some sites


look at the uri in this page: index.php?action=post;topic=356002.0;last_msg=1682271

action, topic, and last_msg are $_GET strings and the response follows the =

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You should bookmark Tizag, I found that site to be extremely helpful when I was starting out.


The short & sweet I can tell you about POST & GET is that POST sends your form's information in an array $_POST[] and GET creates those url query strings you see in some sites


look at the uri in this page: index.php?action=post;topic=356002.0;last_msg=1682271

action, topic, and last_msg are $_GET strings and the response follows the =


Uh, he was talking about specific PECL functions which allow one script to dynamically send data via GET or POST to another script, then obtain the results:




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Any references or comments? :/


KevinM1 pointed you to each function that you have questions about.

Each one of these links provides examples and further comments at the bottom.


Read my post closer: "The PHP Manual didn't do too good of a job in my opinion."


I want something that better explains the functions and it's parameters.

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I haven't run into a case when I had to use either function.  Worse comes to worse, you can always create a small test script to play around with the functions before attempting to use them in 'real' code.  That's what I generally do if I want to try something I've never previously attempted.

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