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Make Excel Solver in PHP


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Here is my code for this mini application.  I need to maximize the value of the sharpe ratio by setting the weights of the portfolio.  I would need to code to run and say... use these weights for each stock to get the highest sharpe ratio.  Any ideas on how to do that? 




// Sets up todays market conditions
$risk_free_rate		= .0014; //The risk free rate taken from 6-Month U.S. T-Bills
$market_return		= .11; //Normal stock market return is 11% annually
$weighting_sum 		= 0;

$stocks 				= array();
$quote_info 			= array();
$log_info				= array();
$weights				= array();
$portfolio_contribution = array();

$stocks[0] = 'YHOO';
$stocks[1] = 'MSFT';
$stocks[2] = 'GOOG';

$weights[0] = .2;
$weights[1] = .3;
$weights[2] = .5;

// Yahoo Query Language dates 
$start_date 	= date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-5 years"));
$end_date 		= date('Y-m-d');

// CSV dates broken out 
$start_year 	= date('Y', strtotime("-5 years"));
$start_month 	= date('m', strtotime("-5 years")) - 1;
$start_day 		= date('d', strtotime("-5 years"));
$end_year 		= date('Y');
$end_month 		= date('m') - 1;
$end_day 		= date('d');

foreach($stocks as $s => $stock){

// Outline the query to get historical stock pricing information
$query = 'select Close from yahoo.finance.historicaldata where symbol = "'.$stock.'" and startDate = "'.$start_date.'" and endDate = "'.$end_date.'"';

// Insert the query into the full URL
$url = 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?format=json&q=' . urlencode($query). '&env=http://datatables.org/alltables.env';

// Set up the cURL
$c = curl_init();
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);

// Execute the cURL
$rawdata = curl_exec($c);

// Convert the returned JSON to a PHP object
$data = json_decode($rawdata);

// Download the data from Yahoo Finance to scrap the page for the beta value of each stock
$content = file_get_contents('http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s='.$stock);
preg_match('#<tr><th scope="row" width="48%">Beta:</th><td class="yfnc_tabledata1">(.*?)</td></tr>#', $content, $match);

// Set the beta value from the page scrape
$beta = $match[1];

// Calculate the capital asset pricing model
$capm = $risk_free_rate	+ ($beta * ($market_return - $risk_free_rate));

// Convert the stock close prices to an array of prices
// Try and get the data from Yahoo Query Language first
// If that fails, download the CSV file to pull the data
	$stock_data = $data->query->results->quote;

	foreach ($stock_data as $k => $price) {
		$quote_info[$s][$k]['price'] = $price->Close;
	$i = 0;

	if(($handle = fopen('http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s='.$stock.'&a='.$start_month.'&b='.$start_day.'&c='.$start_year.'&d='.$end_month.'&e='.$end_day.'&f='.$end_year.'&g=d&ignore=.csv', 'r')) !== FALSE) {
		while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1500, ',', '"')) !== FALSE) {
			$quote_info[$s][$i]['price'] = $data[4];


// Find the log values for the price differences
foreach ($quote_info[$s] as $j => $log) {
	$m = $j + 1;

	if(array_key_exists($m, $quote_info[$s])) {
		$log_info[$s][$j] = log($quote_info[$s][$m]['price']) - log($quote_info[$s][$j]['price']);

// NOT CURRENTLY USING THIS! Set the weight for the stock equal to zero
//$weights[$s] = 0;

$portfolio_contribution[$s] = $weights[$s] * $capm;

// Add the covariance between stocks to the portfolio weights
foreach($log_info as $k => $item){
$count = count($log_info);

for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++){
	$weighting_sum += stats::covariance ($log_info[$k],  $log_info[$i]) * $weights[$k] * $weights[$i];

// Calculate the annual volatility of the portfolio
$annual_volatility = sqrt($weighting_sum)*sqrt(252); //252 is the number of trading days in a year

// Calculate the return of the portfolio
$portfolio_return = array_sum($portfolio_contribution);

// Calculate the sharpe ratio for the portfolio
$sharpe_ratio = ($portfolio_return - $risk_free_rate) / $annual_volatility;




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For something like this you do research, not try to solve it yourself.

Maximizing Sharpe Ratio (PDF, MSCI Barra)

Sharpening Sharpe Ratios (Goetzmann et al.)

Maximizing the Sharpe Ratio

Consult Google for more. And I can't vouch for the accuracy or validity of anything linked to above; use at your own risk, etc.

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