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I want to have a link on a webpage that when clicked the link text is replaced by a form field

So, on the webpage would be

[b]Click here to view the file upload box[/b]

Then when they click that, the 'Click here to view the file upload box' text is replaced with this code

[b]<input type='file' name='send'>[/b]

Which will obviously display an input box

What code would do this effectively.

Note, using document.write wont work alone as it will delete the rest of the page contents and jsut write out the form code

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while divs are much better ways. You could do something:

function toBox(field)
    field.innerHTML = "<input type='file' name='send'>";
<span onClick="toBox(this)" id="field">Click here to view the file upload box</span>

Something like this will work. But try hiding and showing divs.
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Ahh, Ive ran into a problem

    field.innerHTML = "<input type='file' name='send'>";

When the click [b]<span onClick="toBox(this)" id="field">Click here to view the file upload box</span>[/b] The input file box loads fine... great !!

But, when clicking browse and selecting a file, the file location does not load into the box

I'm guessing because its not fully part of the page code, as it was called upon after the page/form load

Any ways around that?

Hope Ive explained well enough
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No... basically when you click browse on any input file box, you select a file from your local HD and the DIR path will be loaded in the text area box..

Well, its not loading in their, obviously because of some kind of issue of how the input box is being loaded
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