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Host says I need my database optimized?


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I am not a programmer and have no idea what this would entail.


Am I looking at an expensive programmer cost?


Is it possible to send just my mysql database to someone to look at, or do they need everything that powers the site, like the php files as well? I ask because I'm concerned about sending my whole site backend to someone.


Are there factors that all this depends on?


My server load is hitting 20 and sometimes even 30 daily, yet it's a small visited, but growing in content site, but I'm not sure if someone is "attacking" or exploiting my site because the problem seemed to happen almost suddenly, and since it's a small site, I kind of don't think this should be happening.


It seems like I almost have to beg my host to check on anything concerning this issue, as they are adamant about either the server needing upgraded, and/or getting a programmer to optimize my database. IS there anything I can tell them to check on so that I could find out if somebody is exploiting my site?


I've talked to them about optimizing the mysql config, but they seem to almost ignore me, when I mention specific things I've read in articles on the internet that should be optimized. All they continue to say is that they've "finetuned" and "tweaked" mysql.


Thanks for any help people can provide me with on these questions.

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For all problems, you need to find the actual cause of the problem before you can fix it. Otherwise you just end up fixing symptoms and the actual problem still remains.


Without any specific information to pin down the problem to a specific cause, you could have php code that is executing too many queries on each page request (executing queries inside of loops are what typically get people into trouble with their web host), in which case the php code and possibly the database tables many need to be fixed; one or more queries might need to be optimized, by adding appropriate indexes; the amount of data in the table or in each row is the cause of the problem and the table(s) or rows may need to be partitioned differently.


So, short-answer, someone would need to have all the relevant php code and all the database information (structure, amount of rows in the table, amount of data and its type in each row) in order to just find the actual cause of the problem. For all we know you could be storing image data in your database and the site is an image hosting site or you are executing hundreds of queries on each page request.


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For all we know you could be storing image data in your database and the site is an image hosting site ...


LOL, I just reviewed your previous thread, which I'm assuming is this same problem. There were a lot of references to images/photos in the queries you posted.


The advice here is the same as your last thread - "You should get a programmer to go through everything."


You don't have the knowledge or skills to find the problem, let along pin down the many possibilities to one specific area or to fix it once it has been identified. In that last thread, a suggestion was given to do an EXPLAIN query on one of the queries. Did you even accomplish that?

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For all we know you could be storing image data in your database and the site is an image hosting site ...


LOL, I just reviewed your previous thread, which I'm assuming is this same problem. There were a lot of references to images/photos in the queries you posted.


The advice here is the same as your last thread - "You should get a programmer to go through everything."


You don't have the knowledge or skills to find the problem, let along pin down the many possibilities to one specific area or to fix it once it has been identified. In that last thread, a suggestion was given to do an EXPLAIN query on one of the queries. Did you even accomplish that?


Strange, I never got an email or perhaps I just missed it, that any new reply was on any of my previous threads. I have replied to that thread, however, with the "explain" details. I've also requested from my host the "slow_query_log". Sorry for the two posts asking nearly the same questions. I never saw that one was waiting for a reply from me.

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