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Managing Friends & Requests


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My website allows Members to request to be "friends" with other Members.


To be Friends, you would have something like this in database terms...

Requestor	Requestee	Request_Approved	Requestee_Approved
----------	----------	-----------------	-------------------
19		25		1			1			


...where the 3rd and 4th columns can hold: 0="Decide Later", 1="Accept", 2="Decline"



Here is where things get complicated in my mind...



Business Rules:

- Debbie (Me) can make Outgoing Friend-Requests which are "Pending"

- Debbie (Me) can make Outgoing Friend-Requests which are "Accepted"

- Debbie (Me) can make Outgoing Friend-Requests which are "Declined"



- Debbie (Me) can receive Incoming Friend-Requests which are "Pending"

- Debbie (Me) can receive Incoming Friend-Requests which are "Accepted"

- Debbie (Me) can receive Incoming Friend-Requests which are "Declined"


- "Friend-Requests" that are accepted by both parties turn into "Friendships"


- It takes both a "Requestor" and a "Requestee" to form a "Friend-Request" and ultimately a "Friendship"


- Either a "Requestor" or a "Requestee" may want to change their "Friend-Requests" and/or "Friendships"



How do I manage all of that via Views in my Member's Profile?!  :shrug:



Currently, I have the following...


1.) "My Friends" tab in the Member Profile which shows all a.) Consummated Friendships, b.) Pending Friendships (Outgoing), c.) Pending Friendships (Incoming)


2.) "Incoming Friend-Requests" page showing all Incoming Requests with "Decide Later", "Accept" and "Decline" radio buttons for each entry


3.) "History of Friend-Requests" page showing both Current and Historical Friend-Requests with "Decide Later", "Accept" and "Decline" radio buttons for each entry (This would allow someone to change what they decided on an old Friend-Request, e.g. deciding to "Accept" a Request that was previously "Declined".)





1.) How do I show/allow Members who made a Friend-Request and was "Accepted" by both parties, "Terminate" the Friendship?


2.) How do I show/allow Members who received a Friend-Request and was "Accepted" by both Parties, "Terminate" the Friendship?


3.) How do I show/allow Members who made a Friend-Request - which is still "Pending" - change their mind and "Terminate" the Friendship-Request?


4.) Do I need some "super" view that shows every a.) Outgoing Friend-Request, b.) Incoming Friend-Request, c.) Accepted Friend, d.) Declined Friend and all of the states for each of them?!  (This is where things get *crazy* if you do every combination?!)  :o



**NOTE:  I don't need help with the PHP/MySQL mechanics to make all of this work...  I am just confused about how I should design the User-Interface and what my System should and should not do and show?!



I am probably making this entire "Friend" thing way too complicated, but like most things in life, there is more to it than meets the eye?!


Thoughts and advice welcome!!








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1.) How do I show/allow Members who made a Friend-Request and was "Accepted" by both parties, "Terminate" the Friendship?

Via an "unfriend" button, while viewing that friend's profile.


2.) How do I show/allow Members who received a Friend-Request and was "Accepted" by both Parties, "Terminate" the Friendship?

See #1.


3.) How do I show/allow Members who made a Friend-Request - which is still "Pending" - change their mind and "Terminate" the Friendship-Request?

Via a "Cancel" button, while viewing that friend's profile.


4.) Do I need some "super" view that shows every a.) Outgoing Friend-Request, b.) Incoming Friend-Request, c.) Accepted Friend, d.) Declined Friend and all of the states for each of them?!  (This is where things get *crazy* if you do every combination?!) 

No, varying pages based off of users "filters." E.g. I select "View all friends" - that shows all of my accepted friends. "View friend requests" - shows your current incoming (and outgoing if you want) requests, as well as an option to view declined.



Take a look at Facebook - they do a great job organizing this.

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