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alright well here is some of my code :


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE djname = '".$djname."'");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$to = $row['email'];

  $pfemails = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE what = '".$what."'") or die(mysql_error());
  $mail = mysql_fetch_assoc($pfemails);
  $subject = htmlspecialchars_decode($mail['subject']);
  $subject = str_replace("[broadcast date]", $program_date, $subject);
  $message = htmlspecialchars_decode($mail['message']);
  $message = str_replace("[bio]", $bio, $message);
  $message = str_replace("[eval]", $eval, $message);
  $message = htmlspecialchars($message, ENT_QUOTES);
  $from = "";
  $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
  $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
  $headers .= 'From: '.$from."\r\n" .
    'Reply-To: '.$from. "\r\n" .
    'BCC: '.$BCC. "\r\n" .
    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
  mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);



however when the email was sent it looked like this:


Dan Day works for WDGL in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as an overnight personality. He also is the Imaging Director for WBRP, WNXX, WDGL, WTGE, and KYPY. Additionally, Dan is also a voiceover artist and former WAFB-TV and KLSU-FM personality. Dan has been in the radio industry since August 2001.<p><br> Break 1 @ 00:00:11<br> --Good overview of where we are heading over the course of the show<br> <br> --Good background of artist and music, pulls listener into show<br> <br> Break 2 @ 00:16:05<br> --Good preview of the next song, makes listener want to listen for the crowd singing along<br> <br> --Good imagery of Italian women<br> <br> Break 3 @ 00:34:50<br> --Nice job letting us know the artist is still performing, lets listener know the artist is still out there getting it done<br> <br> <br> <br> Break 4 @ 00:43:03<br> --Nice talk over just wish you would not have done it over vocals, try to do it over an instrumental part<br> <r> Break 5 @ 00:55:25<br> --Good tie in with Paul and Linda McCartney. Gives average American listener a point of reference and some familiarity<br> <br> --Would not talk about other radio stations because that is like free advertising for the competition<br> <br> Break 6 @ 01:15:12<br> --Good job letting us know we are returning to Brazil. Let&#039;s listener know where in the world the music is coming from.<br> <br> Break 7 @ 01:34:19<br> --Good job connecting Paul Simon to the next song<br> <br> --Talking over vocals can be distracting<br> <br> Break 8 @ 01:55:07<br> --Good sign off<br> <p> Announcing: 7/10<br> <i>On-air personality match the tone of the program. The personality utilizes good pronunciation and diction unless going for a specific effect. The personality matches in tone where applicable. Personality project voices and speak at a good, confident volume.</i> <p> Entertainment: 8/10<br> <i>Radio program is well-planned/well-written. Improvisation/adlibbing is undetectable (if used). Radio program takes appropriate tone and does not treat topic(s) incorrectly. It’s airworthy: care has been taken to make sure it can be aired.</i> <p> Engaging: 8/10<br> <i>The radio program is very engaging and the listener senses a connection between themselves and the on-air personality. The on-air personality encouraged listeners to get involved with the program, such as utalizing the requests page, call-in number, Twitter, Facebook, etc.</i> <p> Knowledgeable: 10/10<br> <i>The on-air personality was extremely knowledgable about the topics discussed and/or the music played during the radio program. The personality can relate their knowledge in a fun, easy-to-grasp way so the listener feels connected.</i> <p> Audio Levels: 8/10<br> <i>Audio levels should be consistent throughout the piece, and they should be pleasing to the ear. Nothing should be over-modulated, and music beds, sound effects, and other material should be mixed so that the personality’s voices can be easily heard by the listener.</i> <p> Transitions: 8/10<br> <i>Between songs, the transitions are smooth and there is no dead air. Crossfading or beatmatching is used. If applicable, sweepers/IDs are put in between transitions when switching genres.</i> <p> Community Orientation: YES<br> <i>Did the on-air personality talk about their local, regional, or national community? Did they address a specific issue or a series of issues that impact normal/regular people on a semi-regular basis?</i> <p> Listener Value: YES<br> <i>Is there a value in this program for the listener? In other words, is there something the listener is getting out of this radio program? Does the radio program offer a clear distinction to something that would be heard on corporate radio? Is the radio program unique and offer something that might not be heard anywhere else?</i> <p> Branding: YES<br> <i>Party 934 was branded in each and every break at least one time.</i> <p> Podcasts: YES<br> <i>The podcasts page was mentioned at least once during the radio program.</i> <p> Social Media: YES<br> <i>Party 934’s social media profiles (Twitter, Facebook) were mentioned at least once during the radio program.</i> <p> Listener Acknowledgment: YES<br> <i>The on-air personality thanked the listener for tuning in at least once during the program.</i> <p> Overall Score: 8<br> Good info but would like to hear a few short talkovers here and there to keep the flow going. <p> PLEASE NOTE: If you received a low score, do not be discouraged! These are simply suggestions for improvement. There are people with tons of experience who are not perfect themselves; radio is a constant learning process! Take these suggestions and build an awesome radio program for next time. If you have questions or concerns, contact me and I will forward them to the evaluator. Thanks for your hard work and commitment to Party 934! <p> If the above evaluation informs you of a technical issue, DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. Instead, open a ticket in the DJ Panel so we can assist you. We also have people available if you would like to meet to discuss improving your show through formatics and evaluating your show prep, etc. Open a ticket if you would like to take advantage of this offer. <p> -- <br> Yours very truly,


Any help would be appreciated.


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