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Cannot display Image blob from MySQL in PHP on my live environment, works on dev

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I cannot display a blob image from MySQL on my live hosted environment, it works on dev. I have a getimage.php file that I pass the id of the image to, I am not writing out any text on the page.

Both these methods work perfectly on my development environment.

Simple code:

Method 1:


header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$data   = mysql_result($result, 0,'documentfile');
echo $data;


Method 2:


header("Content-type: image/jpeg");

$data   = mysql_result($result, 0,'documentfile');
$bImage = imagecreatefromstring($data);

I don't get a php error I get the following error:


    The Image http://www.mywebsite.com/getimage.php?id=15" cannot be displayed because it contains errors`


If I hardcode an imagepath on my live environment it works fine:


header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$data = file_get_contents("../images/sunflowers.jpg");
echo $data;


If I remove the:

header("Content-type: image/jpeg");

The image displays as it would if you right click an image and open in notepad.


Also if I move the header to after where i set the image I get a broken image on the page and not the 'error' text above.

$data   = mysql_result($result, 0,'documentfile');
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
echo $data;



Any help would be appreciated


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As mentioned, if I comment out the header, the image displays as it would if you right click an image and open in notepad.

Fair enough, missed that. So how do the two outputs compare? If you save the non-working image as a .jpg and view it on your computer does that work?

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Hi requinix,


The outputs are different between dev and live. it's the same Db so they should be the same.


Dev starts with:

????JFIFHH??!1"AQa q?????#$?2BR???rb?

Live Starts with:



I can save the image on dev and open it fine

I cannot however save the image on live:


$bImage = imagecreatefromstring($data);
        imagejpeg($bImage, '../images/fromweb.jpg');



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Hi requinix,


I don't do any encoding apart from when uploading the image.

$FileType = $_FILES['myimage']['name'];
$FileTypePos = strpos($FileType, ".");
$FileType = substr($FileType, $FileTypePos + 1);

// Temporary file name stored on the server
$tmpName  = $_FILES['myimage']['tmp_name'];

// Read the file 
$fp = fopen($tmpName, 'r');
$data = fread($fp, filesize($tmpName));
$data = addslashes($data);


Then I add $data via a stored procedure.


I appreciate you helping with this.

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If magic_quotes_runtime is on, fread will escape the data. Using addslashes will escape it a second time, leaving it invalid.


What does var_dump(get_magic_quotes_runtime()); show on both systems?


Also, using GD functions just to save an image you retrieved from a database as a file is A) wasteful, you can just save the binary data to a file and B) modifies the image because the default quality level for imagejpeg is 75%.


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