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I've been struggling for hours! :S.  I have a go daddy account, i've set up an email there and then i try a simple script :


$sent = mail('[email protected]','test','test');

echo 'mail verstuurd';

} else echo 'mail niet verstuurd';


I always display 'mail verstuurd' (succesfull)... but still, when i look in my hotmail account, i see no mail :S. Can i test it locally? Because go daddy is driving me crazy with this mail thing

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try adding headers helps avoid it being selt to junkmail.



$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
  ."Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n"
  ."Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"
  ."X-Mailer: PHP/". phpversion();

$sent = mail('[email protected]','test','test',$headers);


echo 'mail verstuurd';

} else echo 'mail niet verstuurd';

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I use a seperate mailme.php on all my email setups...here is my page i use regularly



//--------------------------Set these paramaters--------------------------

$subject = 'subject Order';                // Subject of email sent to you.
$emailadd = '[email protected]';        // Your email address. This is where the form information will be sent.
//$url = '';               // Where to redirect after form is processed.
$req = '0';                                  // Makes all fields required. If set to '1' no field can not be empty. If set to '0' any or all fields can be empty.

// --------------------------Do not edit below this line--------------------------
$text = "email title:\n\n";       
$space = '  ';
$line = '
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
if ($req == '1')
	if ($value == '')
	{echo "$key is empty";die;}
$j = strlen($key);
	if ($j >= 20)
	{echo "Name of form element $key cannot be longer than 30 characters";die;}
$j = 20 - $j;
	for ($i = 1; $i <= $j; $i++)
	{$space .= ' ';}
$value = str_replace('\n', "$line", $value);
$conc = "{$key}:$space{$value}$line";
$text .= $conc;
$space = '  ';
mail($emailadd, $subject, $text, 'From: '.$emailadd.'');
//echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL='.$url.'">';

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Thanks for the replies, but i think my php script for sending mails works perfectly. It's just about the smtp setup.


when i use godaddy's smtp server, it's a bit messy and works not properly, also the scripts need to be hosted on their server in order to use the outgoing smtp server apparently.


So now, i want to test the mail function also locally, like i test my script locally using WAMP (php, apache, mysql). Has anybody experience with using a locallly installed stmp that works with wamp??

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Hello fellow Dutchie...


Have you tried this:


$to ="[email protected]";
$subject ="Stijn zijn Contact Formulier";
$email = $_POST["fromwhosemail"];
mail($to,$subject,$message,"From: $email");


I think, it doesn't send an email, because there's no headers. Those are not optional, if my memory serves me correct they are mandatory in the mail function.

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