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php and random sql search


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Hello people,


I need some help with some PHP coding, and hope someone can help me.


I have a mysql table within a mysql database.

for example


id  word          sentence                                      associated word

1  happy      there is a lot of unhappiness                  unhappiness

2  consume  I am a consumer                                  consumer




I want to choose a random element from the associated word column


I want to make this random element a php variable  $word1 (for example)


elsewhere I want to have an text input box with a submit button

I want to make what is typed a php variable, for example $word 2


I then want to compare $word1 and $word2


If they are the same, I want to echo $word2 in green

If not, I want to echo $word2 in red with an explanation


I hope my description is not too confusing


many thanks

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thank you very much for such a fast response


What I have till now is as below




$con = mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", "root");

if (!$con)



die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());




mysql_select_db("clients", $con);


$range_result = mysql_query( " SELECT MAX(`wd_id`) AS max_id , MIN(`wd_id`) AS min_id FROM `words` ");


$range_row = mysql_fetch_object( $range_result );


$random = mt_rand( $range_row->min_id , $range_row->max_id );

$result = mysql_query( " SELECT * FROM `words` WHERE `wd_id` >= $random LIMIT 0,1 ");


$answer = mysql_query("SELECT answer FROM words ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($answer))



echo $row['answer'];


echo "<br />";












while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))



echo "<table border ='0' width='600px'>";


echo "<tr>";


echo "<td width='100px'> <font color='black'>

Clue word: </font></td>";


echo "<td width='100px'>" . $row['wd'] . "</td>";


echo "<td width='150px'> <font color='black'>Context sentence: </font></td>";


echo "<td width='200px'>" . $row['st'] . "</td>";


echo "<td>" . $row ['wd_id'] . "</td>";


echo "<td>" . $row ['answer'] . "</td>";

echo "</tr>";










$input = $_POST['1'];





if (isset ($_POST['SUBMIT'])){


if ($input == $answer)



echo  "<font color='green'>" . $answer . "</font> ";


else echo "<font color='red'>" . $input . "</font>";


echo $explanation1;


echo $related = $row['related'];


echo $pron = $row['pron'];







Please advise


kind regards

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I can generate the random element with SQL, but only as echo


elsewhere I can do the php comparison and echo green or red depending on whether the answer is right or wrong.


I am having problems establishing the random output of the sql as a php variable, with which to do the comparison.


many thanks

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I think I need to be a bit clearer


I am starting with the following table



id word         sentance                                     answer               explanation

1 happy I am sorry for your unhappines     unhappiness

2 consume I am a consumer                     consumer




From this table I am  trying to  create the variable $answer which captures in the random row generated , the content in the column "answer" of that row. (for example 'unhappiness)


the code I have for this operation is:





$con = mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", "root");

if (!$con)


  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());



mysql_select_db("clients", $con);

$range_result = mysql_query( " SELECT MAX(`wd_id`) AS max_id , MIN(`wd_id`) AS min_id FROM `words` ");

$range_row = mysql_fetch_object( $range_result );

$random = mt_rand( $range_row->min_id , $range_row->max_id );

$result = mysql_query( " SELECT * FROM `words` WHERE `wd_id` >= $random LIMIT 0,1 ");





to echo this random answer, the code I have is





    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


  echo "<table border ='0' width='600px'>";

echo "<tr>";

echo "<td width='100px'> <font color='black'> Clue word: </font></td>";

echo "<td width='100px'>" . $row['wd'] . "</td>";

echo "<td width='150px'> <font color='black'>Context sentence: </font></td>";

echo "<td width='200px'>" . $row['st'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $row ['wd_id'] . "</td>";

echo "<td>" . $row ['answer'] . "</td>";

echo "</tr>";






I then have a text input box with a submit button

a word is typed in this input box which I wish to compare with the random answer previously generated and if they are the same, echo in green if not echo in red


the code for that is





$input = $_POST['1'];


if (isset ($_POST['SUBMIT'])){


if ($input == $answer)


echo  "<font color='green'>" . $answer . "</font> ";

else echo "<font color='red'>" . $input . "</font>";

echo $explanation;

echo $related;

echo $pron;





the problem I have is that


when you try comparing the input from the form to the variable $answer, it doesn't compare.


Basically because I am not able to define to variable $anwer with the information I want it to have.


I need the code that defines the variable $answer (which would be content in  the columna "answer" of the random row generated by the variable $result).


any help would be very appreciated


many thanks





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Thank you very much for your help JESIROSE


you have been very kind.


I will be away for a bit and as such will not be able to try your solution.


As soon as I get it working I will give you some feedback.


thank you once againg, and take care



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