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DISTINCT key word is not working


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Hi everyone..


In this query, DISTINCT key word is not working. display duplicate subjects from subject table.. can anybody tell me where I have made mistake?


SELECT DISTINCT tutor_category_subject.subject_id, subject.subjects SEPARATOR ', ') AS subjects  
FROM tutor_category_subject
INNER JOIN subject ON tutor_category_subject.subject_id = subject.subject_id
WHERE tutor_category_subject.tutor_id = 3;

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I have made a mistake when I type...


This is my query


SELECT tutor_option.option_id, GROUP_CONCAT(options.option_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS option_name  
FROM tutor_option
INNER JOIN options ON tutor_option.option_id = options.option_id
WHERE tutor_option.tutor_id = 3;

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OK.. Barand


When you free tell me what is the problem in "DISTINCT"


I tried like this with my query


SELECT DISTINCT tutor_category_subject.subject_id, GROUP_CONCAT(subject.subjects SEPARATOR ', ') AS subjects  
FROM tutor_category_subject
INNER JOIN subject ON tutor_category_subject.subject_id = subject.subject_id
WHERE tutor_category_subject.tutor_id = 3;


But there are duplicate row selecting from subject table. I want to avoid it from my query. In this case it would have same subject more time to a particular tutor under different category.


When you have time tell me what is the solution for this..


Thank you very much.

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This is actual query that im trying...


SELECT DISTINCT tutor_category_subject.subject_id, GROUP_CONCAT(subject.subjects SEPARATOR ', ') AS subjects  
FROM tutor_category_subject
INNER JOIN subject ON tutor_category_subject.subject_id = subject.subject_id
WHERE tutor_category_subject.tutor_id = $teacherId";

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OK, I tried setting up some data and running your query. The same result was also obtained without the DISTINCT



| tutor_id | subject_id |


|        1 |          1 |

|        1 |          2 |

|        1 |          3 |

|        2 |          3 |

|        2 |          4 |

|        3 |          1 |

|        3 |          5 |





| subject_id | subject  |


|          1 | Maths    |

|          2 | Physics  |

|          3 | Chemistry |

|          4 | Biology  |

|          5 | French    |

|          6 | History  |



SELECT DISTINCT tutor_category_subject.subject_id, GROUP_CONCAT(subject.subject SEPARATOR ', ') AS subjects 

FROM tutor_category_subject

INNER JOIN subject ON tutor_category_subject.subject_id = subject.subject_id

WHERE tutor_category_subject.tutor_id = 1;




| subject_id | subjects                  |


|          1 | Maths, Physics, Chemistry |



No duplicate rows and subjects concatenated as expected. To me though, it would make more sense with that GROUP_CONCAT() to be selecting tutor_id instead of subject_id

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Is this the scenario you are describing where a subject appears twice with different catgories?




| tutor_id | subject_id | cat_id |


|        1 |          1 |      0 |

|        1 |          2 |      0 |

|        1 |          3 |      0 |  same subject

|        1 |          3 |      1 |  different category



SELECT tutor_category_subject.subject_id, GROUP_CONCAT(subject.subject SEPARATOR ', ') AS subjects 

FROM tutor_category_subject

INNER JOIN subject ON tutor_category_subject.subject_id = subject.subject_id

WHERE tutor_category_subject.tutor_id = 1;


results in Chemistry listed twice


| subject_id | subjects                            |


|          1 | Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Chemistry|



If so, you can avoid this by putting the DISTINCT inside the GROUP_CONCAT


SELECT tutor_category_subject.subject_id, 
    GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT subject.subject SEPARATOR ', ') AS subjects  
FROM tutor_category_subject
INNER JOIN subject ON tutor_category_subject.subject_id = subject.subject_id
WHERE tutor_category_subject.tutor_id = 1;

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