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Problem with mysql getting prices from table


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Hey guys,


I have two tables set up - tbl_order_item and tbl_product. I have session id's set and product id's to link the two tables. Each product has pd_price1, pd_price2 and pd_price3. The tbl_order_item has a pd_type field (1, 2, or 3) which is working and is filled with the relevant number when the user has completed the checkout.


I am trying to get the final price and send it to Paypal. So it uses the session id to find the right rows in tbl_order_item and give my the pd_type and then use that variable to find the correct price from tbl_product.


Here is my code:


function getOrderAmount($orderId)
$orderAmount = 0;

$sql = "SELECT pd_type
        FROM tbl_order_item 
        WHERE od_id = $orderId
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = dbFetchRow($result)) {
	$type = $row['pd_type'];

$sql = "SELECT SUM(pd_price$type * od_qty)
        FROM tbl_order_item oi, tbl_product p 
	    WHERE oi.pd_id = p.pd_id and oi.od_id = $orderId


		SELECT od_shipping_cost
		FROM tbl_order
		WHERE od_id = $orderId";

		$result = dbQuery($sql);
if (dbNumRows($result) == 2) {
	$row = dbFetchRow($result);
	$totalPurchase = $row[0];

	$row = dbFetchRow($result);
	$shippingCost = $row[0];

	$orderAmount = $totalPurchase + $shippingCost;

return $orderAmount;	



This returns this error:

Notice: Undefined index: pd_type in /home/wwwdist/public_html/elite/library/checkout-functions.php on line 88

Unknown column 'pd_price' in 'field list'


I dont understand why it isnt getting pd_type from the database table and putting it at the end of pd_price. Probably something stupid here. But ive been messing with code all day and my mind is just boggled now.



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As a test, I echo'd the orderId variable and it came up as 1106. I checked the database and that row did exist with that id. the pd_type field was assigned to '2'. Yet in this code it is trying to retrieve this field and fails.........


Im completely lost.

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