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Form validation without deleting the fields?


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Hi to everyone


I have implemented a html form with some fields like email and phone and I want to validate the data before submitting the form. I want to validate the data in the server side (because javascript can be easily avoided) and so I have write some PHP functions. Currently the form is in a Form.html file and the validation script is in a Validate.php file.


If I the validation of the data return false how can I return to my form WITHOUT the fields to be erased?



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You can do it in 2 different ways


Way 1

Whenever a formfield looses focus you do an AJAX-request to some kind of validation.php (GET/POST parameter for the type and value of the field)

If u go that way I'd rather write ur own jQuery Extension for this (kinda easy)


Way 2

Use a client-side and a server-side validation. 1 Javascript which watches your fields and when the data is sent your PHP script checks everything again (incase someone just turns off JavaScript or modifies the request)

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One last thing. In my form I have some <select> elements with many many options. In order to make the <select> fields to have the values before submission I have to put a small code snippet like this below in each option?


<option value='option_value'<?php echo (isset($_POST['selectname']) && $_POST['selectname'] == 'option_value')?  "selected='selected'" : '' ; ?>> option_text </option>



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One last thing. In my form I have some <select> elements with many many options. In order to make the <select> fields to have the values before submission I have to put a small code snippet like this below in each option?


Yes you have, but I'd rather create option-tags via loop.

Another little tip for you, always put html-attributes in ""-quotes not single ones.


// somwhere on top of the script
$options = array(1 => 'Cheeseburger', 2 => 'Hamburger', 3 => 'BigMac');
$selected = $_POST['selectname'];

// inside your <select>
foreach ($options as $val => $option)
echo (isset($selected) && $val == $selected) ? '<option value="'.$val.'" selected="selected">'.$option.'</option>' : '<option value="'.$val.'" >'.$option.'</option>';

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Another little tip for you, always put html-attributes in ""-quotes not single ones.



Beyond personal preference, what's wrong with single quotes? Note that I prefer double quotes for HTML attributes. However I'll usually use single quotes when those attributes are within a double-quoted PHP string.

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Yes you have, but I'd rather create option-tags via loop.

Another little tip for you, always put html-attributes in ""-quotes not single ones.



Thanks peipst9lker. I created option with a foreach loop as you said. It was easy!!!

I will ask the same thing as cyberRobot did.

What is the difference on putting double quotes in the html-attributes?

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There is no technical difference - it's just to have everything in the same pattern and not mixed up code.

I'm very very used to it since in c/c++ single quotes are char-variables and double quotes are strings (or char[]'s) also it's part of my companys coding standard. It's just stored in my DNA already :D

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Yes you have, but I'd rather create option-tags via loop.

Another little tip for you, always put html-attributes in ""-quotes not single ones.



Thanks peipst9lker. I created option with a foreach loop as you said. It was easy!!!

I will ask the same thing as cyberRobot did.

What is the difference on putting double quotes in the html-attributes?


keeping it easy and simple so in somewhile to someone going through your code can understand easily. lets say good coding practice.

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