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ok my so i moved one of my pages (settings.php) for my website into a folder called edit in the main directory so the url would look like main/edit/settings.php. now my includes on that page are coming up as errors. idk why. the includes paths are main/includes/overall/overallheader.php and i also have includes for the settigings page which is main/includes/settingsincludes/header.php. now the error is saying Failed opening 'includes/overall/overallheader.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\main\edit\profileinfo.php on line 2 and it also says that for the footer and the settings includes . HELP.

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When you moved the 'settings.php' file inside another folder, did you change the pathway of your 'include' statements? If not, you should add " ../ " to your pathways. That will back up out of the new folder (directory) you put the file in.

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When you move a file either into a new folder, or out of an old one, you have to re-assess all of its references ... images, links, includes ... everything ... but only in that one file. So, in your 'settings.php' file, if you had an 'include' statement that read INCLUDE 'SOME_FILE.PHP'; you would now need to add ../ to the beginning of it as such INCLUDE '../SOME_FILE.PHP';


If your settings file was referencing any images also or any other kind of resource (page, link, file, etc...) you're going to need to do the same there, also.

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Ok, you have a 'settings.php' file in a folder titled 'edit' AND you have an 'overallheader.php' file in a folder (overall) inside another folder (includes). Right? Okay, to reference the overallheader.php file from the settings.php file your include needs to look like this:


include '../includes/overall/overallheader.php';


This backs you out of the "edit" folder, and takes you through both the "includes" folder and the "overall" folder. If this isn't working, I think you might have different pathways than you have stated here.

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the overallheader file has two more files in it being included called head and header idk if that makes a difference because its still not working . where the head file is being included does that include need ../ to ? because i tried and when i do that it messed up basically all the other pages that i have for the website.

Thanks for your help so far.

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.. means "parent folder to where I am now"

. means "folder I am in now"


Used with a forward dir slash / for relative pathways, it's normally used for quick relativism.


I prefer to create constants.

define( APP_PATH, '/home/user/http/application/');

define( WEB_ROOT, '//example.com/');


include_once( APP_PATH . 'includes/my_functions.php');

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CSS files are requested by the client, so they need to know the URL at which to find the file. The same goes for images. You ideally should provide the full URL to the resource:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.your_domain.com/path/to/file/stylesheet.css">


To further what i stated before, you could do this on your pages easily with:

<link href "<?php echo WEB_PATH; ?>/assets/css/style.css" />

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<div id="infobar">

<div id="infobarborder">
	<div id="ullist">
		<li class="menu">
			<a class="menu" href="/garage/index.php">
		<li class="menu">
		<a class="menu" href="#">	
		<li class="menu">
			<a class="menu" href="login.php">
		</li >
		<li class="menu">
			<a id="d"href="register.php">
		<div id="searchbar">
		<form id="search" action="" method="" >
			<input type="text" id='searchinput'  />
			<input type="submit" value="Go" id="submitinput" />

this is the menu im not sure what your asking to see

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sorry i was editing the wrong menu the linking is working. thank you so much. one more Q if you dont mind i have a head that contains the css files when i include it on the settings page it only works when i do this ../ to the url of the css . but it works fine on all the other pages.  I think someone said just give the whole url of the css file . Let me know if im doing it wrong. Thanks again

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