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Need help filling in the blanks =]


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hey guys i have a small script below i have commented what i need help with if anyone has any ideas ill be very gratefull ive tryed but cannot get it to work at all.


This is a small fraction of a large script i'm writing but the easy way to get help with my problem was to section it into below code so don't worry if the script looks pointless as long as it works thats all im after!


    $bad_directory = 'home/username/public_html/';

// I need help to convert the following orange text into PHP please 

// search $bad_directory & list all files created within last hour of current day (file names as a array eg: 'blah.txt','ttl.gif')
// search $bad_directory & list all folders created within last hour of current day (folder names as a array eg: 'blah','ttl')
// get list of last hour created files from above and rename all files with _NEW at end EG: "just_added.php" to "just_added.php_NEW"
// get list of last hour created folders from above and add a .htaccess file to each folder EG on how to create file ,htaccess below

// Create the .htaccess file i need added to each newly added folder ^^^
$filename = '.htaccess';
$contents = 'AuthUserFile '.$htpass_dir.'.htpasswd
AuthType Basic

require user Admin';
$handle = fopen($filename, 'x+');
fwrite($handle, $contents);

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Might be there are some typos or I have done something wrong, haven't really tested it that much, but I think you get the idea:


$folder_path = '.';

if($handle = opendir($folder_path)){
$folders = array();
$files = array();
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
	if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'somefile.php'){
		if(filectime($folder_path.'/'.$file) > time()-(60*60)){
				$folders[] = $file;
				$files[] = $file;
foreach($folders AS $folder){
	//$fh = fopen($folder_path'/'.$folder.'/.htaccess', 'w') or die('Can\'t open file.');
	// OR
	//copy('folder_path_to/.htaccess', $folder_path'/'.$folder.'/.htaccess');
	// 'folder_path_to/.htaccess' is the path to the htaccess file you want to copy to the new folder
foreach($files AS $file){
	rename($folder_path.'/'.$file, $folder_path.'/'.$file.'_NEW');

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I've taken the liberty of cleaning up the code a bit, to make it more readable and utilize the recommended functions.


$folder_path = '.';

$folders = array ();
$files = array ();

// Fetch all files from the folder, and loop through them.
foreach (glob ($folder_path.'/*') as $file) {
// Skip unwanted files.
if (basename ($file) == 'somefile.php') {

// Make sure the file has been changed during the last hour.
if (filectime ($file) <= strtotime ("-1 hour")) {
	// Otherwise skip it.

if (is_dir ($file)) {
	$folders[] = $file;
} else {
	$files[] = $file;

foreach ($folders as $folder) {
//$fh = fopen($folder_path'/'.$folder.'/.htaccess', 'w') or die('Can\'t open file.');
// OR
//copy('folder_path_to/.htaccess', $folder_path'/'.$folder.'/.htaccess');
// 'folder_path_to/.htaccess' is the path to the htaccess file you want to copy to the new folder

foreach ($files as $file) {
rename ($file, $file . '_NEW');


Notice how much easier it is to read what the code does with the use of strtotime () and glob (), plus the reduction in nesting by "exiting early" in the loop with the use of continue.

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